Wrapper for Zoom API V2
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'zoomify'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install zoomify
Initialize Zoom client in your app
client = Zoomify::Client.new(api_key: 'your_api_key', api_secret: 'your_api_secret')
List all sub accounts
accounts = client.accounts
Additional parameters can be passed as
accounts = client.accounts(page_size: 5, page_number: 3)
Create a sub account (params can be found here)
account = client.accounts_create(params)
Retrieve a sub account
account = client.account(id: 'account id')
Disassociate an account
account = client.accounts_delete(id: 'account id')
Update a sub account's options (params can be found here)
account = client.accounts_update_options(id: 'account id', share_rc: true, share_mc: true)
Retrieve a sub account's settings
account = client.accounts_settings(id: 'account id')
Update a sub account's settings (params can be found here)
account = client.accounts_settings_update(id: 'account id', schedule_meting: {host_video: true})
Retrieve billing information for a sub account
billing = client.billing(id: 'account id')
Update billing information for a sub account (params can be found here)
billing = client.billing_update(id: 'account id', first_name: 'John Doe')
Retrieve plan information for a sub account
plan = client.plan(id: 'account id')
Subscribe plans for a sub account (params can be found here)
plan = client.plan_subscribe(id: 'account id', contact: {first_name: 'John Doe'})
Update a plan base for a sub account (params can be found here)
plan_base = client.update_base_plan(id: 'account id', type: 'string', hosts: 1)
Add an additional plan for a sub account (params can be found here)
addon = client.create_addon(id: 'account id', type: 'string', hosts: 1)
Update an additional plan for a sub account (params can be found here)
addon = client.update_addon(id: 'account id', type: 'string', hosts: 1)
List Users (optional params can be found here here)
users = client.users
Create a user (params can be found here here)
user = client.user_create(params)
Retrieve a user (params can be found here here)
user = client.user(id: 'user id')
Update a user (params can be found here here)
user = client.user_update(id: 'user id', first_name: 'John Doe')
Delete a user (optional params can be found here)
user = client.user_delete(id: 'user id')
List a user's assistants
assistants = client.user_assistants(id: 'user id')
Add assistants (params can be found here)
assistant = client.user_assistants_create(id: 'user id', assistants: [{id: 'string', email: 'string'}])
Delete all assistants of a user
assistant = client.user_assistants_delete_all(id: 'user id')
Delete a user's assistant
assistant = client.user_assistant_delete(id: 'user id', assistant_id: 'assistant id')
List a user's schedulers
schedulers = client.user_schedulers(id: 'user id')
Delete all schedulers of a users
schedulers = client.user_schedulers_delete_all(id: 'user id')
Delete a user's scheduler
scheduler = client.user_schedulers_delete(id: 'user id', scheduler_id: 'scheduler id')
Upload a user's picture (information about params can be found here)
picture = client.upload_picture(id: 'user id', pic_file: 'file')
Retrieve a user's settings
settings = client.user_settings(id: 'user id')
Update a user's settings (params can be found here)
settings = client.user_settings_update(id: 'user id', scheduled_meeting: { host_video: true })
Update a user's status (params can be found here)
status = client.user_status_update(id: 'user id', action: 'active')
Update a user's password (params can be found here)
password = client.user_password_update(id: 'user id', password: 'ABCXYZ')
Retrieve a user's permissions
permissions = client.user_permissions(id: 'user id')
Retrieve a user's token (optional params can be found here)
token = client.user_token(id: 'user id')
Revoke a user's SSO Token
token = client.user_token_delete(id: 'user id')
Verify a user's zpk (Deprecated)
zpk = client.verify_zpk(zpk: 'User zpk')
Verify a user's email
email = client.verify_email(email: 'User email')
Check a user's personal meeting room name
vanity_name = client.verify_vanity_name(vanity_name: 'User Vanity Name')
List meetings (optional params can be found here)
meetings = client.meetings(id: 'user id')
Create a meeting (params can be found here)
meeting = client.meetings_create(id: 'user_id', topic: 'Zoomify Gem')
Retrieve a meeting
meeting = client.meeting(id: 'meeting id')
Update a meeting (params can be found here)
meeting = client.meeting_update(id: 'meeting id', topic: 'Zoomify Gem')
Delete a meeting (optional params can be found here)
meeting = client.meeting_delete(id: 'meeting id')
Update a meeting's status (params can be found here)
status = client.meeting_update_status(id: 'meeting id', action: 'end')
List a meeting's registrants (optional params can be found here)
registrants = client.meeting_registrants(id: 'meeting id')
Add a meeting registrant (params can be found here)
registrant = client.meeting_registrants_create(id: 'meeting id', email: 'johndoe@email.com', first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe')
Update a meeting registrant's status (params can be found here)
status = client.meeting_registrants_update_status(id: 'meeting id', action: 'approve')
Retrieve past meeting details
past_meeting = client.past_meeting(uuid: 'meeting uuid')
Retrieve past meeting participants (optional params can be found here)
participants = client.past_meeting_participants(uuid: 'meeting uuid')
List webinars (optional params can be found here)
webinars = client.webinars(id: 'user id')
Create a webinar (params can be found here)
webinar = client.webinar_create(id: 'user_id', topic: 'Zoomify Gem')
Retrieve a webinar
webinar = client.webinar(id: 'webinar id')
Update a webinar (params can be found here)
webinar = client.webinar_update(id: 'webinar id', topic: 'Zoomify Gem')
Delete a webinar (optional params can be found here)
webinar = client.webinar_delete(id: 'webinar id')
Update a webinar's status (params can be found here)
status = client.webinar_update_status(id: 'webinar id', status: 'end')
List a webinar's panelists
panelists = client.webinar_panelists(id: 'webinar id')
Add a webinar penelist (params can be found here)
panelist = client.webinar_panelists_create(id: 'webinar id', panelists: [{name: 'string', email: string}])
Remove all panelists from webinar
panelists = client.webinar_panelists_delete_all(id: 'webinar id')
Remove a webinar panelist
panelist = client.webinar_panelists_delete(id: 'webinar id', panelist_id: 'panelist id')
List a webinar's registrants (optional params can be found here)
registrants = client.webinar_registrants(id: 'webinar id')
Add a webinar registrant (params can be found here)
registrant = client.webinar_registrants_create(id: 'webinar_id', email: 'johndoe@email.com', first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe')
Update a webinar registrant's status (params can be found here)
status = client.webinar_registrants_update_status(id: 'webinar id', action: 'approve')
List of ended webinar instances
webinars = client.past_webinars(id: 'webinar id')
List groups
groups = client.groups
Create a group
group = client.groups_create(name: 'string')
Retrieve a group
group = client.group(id: 'group id')
Update a group
group = client.group_update(id: 'group id', name: 'string')
Delete a group
group = client.group_delete(id: 'group id')
List a group's members (optional params can be found here)
members = client.group_members(id: 'group id')
Add group members (params can be found here)
members = client.group_members_create(id: 'group id', members: [{id: 'string', email: 'string'}])
Delete a group member
member = client.group_delete_member(id: 'group id', member_id: 'member id')
List IM Groups
im_groups = client.im_groups
Create an IM Group (params can be found here)
im_group = client.im_groups_create(params)
Retrieve an IM Group
im_group = client.im_group(id: 'group id')
Update an IM Group (params can be found here)
im_group = client.im_group_update(id: 'group id', name: 'Zoomify Gem')
Delete an IM Group
im_group = client.im_group_delete(id: 'group id')
List an IM Group Members (optional params can be found here)
members = client.im_group_members(id: 'group id')
Add IM Group members (params can be found here)
members = client.im_group_members_create(id: 'group id', members: [{id: 'string', email: 'string'}])
Delete an IM Group Member
member = client.im_group_delete_member(id: 'group id', member_id: 'member id')
Retrieve IM Chat Sessions (optional params can be found here)
im_chat_session = client.im_chat_sessions(from: 'Start date', to: 'End date')
Retrieve IM Chat Messages (optional params can be found here)
im_chat_messages = client.im_chat_session_messages(id: 'session id', from: 'Start date', to: 'End date')
List all the recordings (optional params can be found here)
recordings = client.user_cloud_recordings(id: 'user id', from: 'Start date', to: 'End date')
Retrieve all recordings of a meeting
recordings = client.meeting_cloud_recordings(id: 'meeting id')
Delete all recordings of a meeting (params can be found here)
recordings = client.meeting_cloud_recordings_delete_all(id: 'meeting id', action: 'trash')
Delete particular recording of a meeting (optional params can be found here)
recording = client.meeting_cloud_recording_delete(id: 'meeting id', recording_id: 'recording id')
Recover all recordings of a meeting (params can be found here)
recordings = client.meeting_cloud_recordings_recover(id: 'meeting id', action: 'recover')
Recover a single recording file (params can be found here)
recording = client.meeting_cloud_recording_recover(id: 'meeting id', recording_id: 'recording id', action: 'recover')
Retrieve daily report (optional params can be found here)
report = client.daily_report
Retrieve hosts report (optional params can be found here)
report = client.users_report(from: 'Start date', to: 'End date')
Retrieve meetings report (optional params can be found here)
report = client.meetings_report(id: 'user id', from: 'Start date', to: 'End date')
Retrieve meeting details report
report = client.meeting_details_report(id: 'meeting id')
Retrieve meeting participants report (optional params can be found here)
report = client.meeting_participants_report(id: 'meeting id')
Retrieve meeting polls report
report = client.meeting_polls_report(id: 'meeting id')
Retrieve webinar details report
report = client.webinar_daily_report(id: 'webinar id')
Retrieve webinar participants report (optional params can be found here)
report = client.webinar_participants_report(id: 'webinar id')
Retrieve webinar polls report
report = client.webinar_polls_report(id: 'webinar id')
Retrieve webinar Q&A report
report = client.webinar_qa_report(id: 'webinar id')
Retrieve Telephone report (optional params can be found here)
report = client.telephone_report(from: 'Start date', to: 'End date')
List meetings (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.meeting_metrics(from: 'Start date', to: 'End date')
Retrieve meeting details (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.meeting_detail_metrics(id: 'meeting id')
Retrieve meeting participants (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.meeting_participants_metrics(id: 'meeting id')
Retrieve meeting participant QOS (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.particular_meeting_participant_qos_metrics(id: 'meeting id', participant_id: 'participant id')
List meeting participants QOS (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.meeting_participants_qos_metrics(id: 'meeting id')
Retrieve sharing/recording details of meeting participants (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.meeting_participants_sharing_metrics(id: 'meeting id')
List webinars (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.webinar_metrics(from: 'Start date', to: 'End date')
Retrieve webinar details (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.webinar_details_metrics(id: 'webinar id')
Retrieve webinar participants (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.webinar_participants_metrics(id: 'webinar id')
Retrieve webinar participant QOS (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.particular_webinar_participant_qos_metrics(id: 'webinar id', participant_id: 'participant id')
List webinar participants QOS (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.webinar_participants_qos_metrics(id: 'webinar id')
Retrieve sharing/recording details of Webinar participants (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.webinar_participants_sharing_metrics(id: 'webinar id')
List Zoom Rooms (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.zoom_rooms_metrics
Retrieve Zoom Room (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.retrieve_zoom_room(id: 'zoom room id', from: 'Start date', to: 'End date')
Retrieve CRC Port Usage
metrics = client.crc_metrics(from: 'Start date', to: 'End date')
Retrieve IM (optional params can be found here)
metrics = client.im_metrics(from: 'Start date', to: 'End date')
Switch webhook version
webhook = client.webhook_options(version: 'v1')
List webhooks
webhook = client.webhooks
Create a webhook (params can be found here)
webhook = client.webhooks_create(params)
Retrieve a webhook
webhook = client.webhook(id: 'webhook id')
Update a webhook (params can be found here)
webhook = client.webhook_update(id: 'webhook id', url: 'string')
Delete a webhook
webhook = client.webhook_delete(id: 'webhook id')
List TSP dial-in numbers
tsp = client.dial_in_numbers
List user's TSP accounts
tsp = tsp_accounts(id: 'user id')
Add a user's TSP account (params can be found here)
tsp = client.tsp_accounts_create(id: 'user id', conference_code: 'string')
Retrieve a user's TSP account
tsp = client.user_tsp_account(id: 'user id', tsp_id: 'TSP id')
Update a TSP account (params can be found here)
tsp = client.user_tsp_account_update(Id: 'user id', tsp_id: 'TSP id', conference_code: 'string')
Delete a user's TSP account
tsp = client.user_tsp_account_delete(id: 'user id', tsp_id: 'TSP id')
List user's PAC accounts
pac = client.pac_accounts(id: 'user id')
List H.323/SIP Devices
devices = client.devices
Create a H.323/SIP Devices (params can be found here)
device = client.devices_create(params)
Update a H.323/SIP Device (params can be found here)
device = client.device_update(id: 'device id', name: 'string')
Delete a H.323/SIP Device
device = client.device_delete(id: 'device id')
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/fakhir-shad/zoomify. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.