During the last bimonthly review-day, the Gluon community repository was created. Previously, many attempts to upstream community packages were either stuck for a very long time in the review process or died down completely.
We want to solve this by creating a central repository for inter-community packages which is aimed at having shorter review cycles. Ideally, the community repository is maintained by the package maintainers themselves, allowing for faster improvements and a higher willingness for upstreaming community-packages.
To include a package from this repository in your own firmware, add the repository to the feeds declared in the modules
file of your site.
- The master branch is protected against the use of
git push --force
. - Use Pull Requests if you are uncertain about your patches.
- Merge commits are disabled in the master branch. If you accept single-commit pull-requests, do a "rebase"- or "squash"-merge instead. This will prevent the commit-history to be cluttered with superfluous "merge" logmessages.
Every commit message should prefixed with the package-name, followed by a colon.
For a general documentation on how OpenWrt packages software, see this wiki entry.
Each package has it's own subdirectory in the community-repository.
Ideally, the name consists of the maintaining communities short-handle, followed by the package name.
After this scheme, a community with the short-handle ffap
would name their package ffap-sample-package
The PKG License should be defined as a SPDX ID. See the SPDX FAQ for more details.
See the sample package Makefile below.
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
PKG_MAINTAINER:=John Doe <john@doe.com>
include $(TOPDIR)/../package/gluon.mk
define Package/ffXX-hello-world
TITLE:=Simple Hello World Makefile
define Package/ffXX-hello-world/description
A simple package to demonstrate a Makefile for the Gluon
community-packages repository.
$(eval $(call BuildPackageGluon,ffXX-hello-world))
After creating the package, open a pull-request to the community-repository.