The repository contains source files for the website of the Department of applied informatics Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. This website is a project of 3 students for the subject Team project. We plan to update the web and its source files in the future.
Source files are under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
The site is live on GitHub Pages (the page is deployed automatically) and on external hosting. We don't guarantee that the live preview on the external hosting will be the same as on GitHub because we no longer update external hosting sources frequently.
- Download the latest files from this repository from the releases tab.
- Extract the archive to your HDD (or extract them directly on the webserver - skip step 3).
- Upload source files from extracted archive to your webserver as-is.
- The website with our source files should now be live.
If you don't want/can't use SSH, use this URL for checkout/SVN:
If you want to use SSH (via this command):
Or use this command to clone with Github CLI: gh repo clone LUKICSLA/kaiweb
In the case of any troubles during the installation process, feel free to contact us or use this how-to.
Click on the version name for the full changelog.
- initial release
v1.0.2 (06 Apr 2022)
v1.0.7 (05 May 2022)
- footer update - copyright data (#20)
- merge to stable (#23)
- updated (#26)
- mobile devices support (#27)
v1.0.7-13522 (13 May 2022)
- implemented google translator script (ENG/SVK translation)
- implemented search function
- updated index.html
- restored viewport
- merge from LUKICSLA/localization to LUKICSLA/stable
Copyright © 2021-2022 Lukáš Maár, Timea Danišová, Andrea Hornáčková