Auth App is a project I made to teach myself basic principles of user authentication and authorization with jsonwebtokens.
However, instead of just coding up a simple auth server and API, I wanted to make a full stack app, to integrate auth on frontend too. I went with Nuxt.js, so that I could easily render the content on the server.
The app is fully open-source, so feel free to play around with it, or include it's code in your project. 😊
First clone this repo and install dependencies:
npm i
Then rename .env.example
to .env
so that you can connect to the database:
mv .env.example .env
Now you can start the dev server using:
# runs on port 3000
npm run dev
And the auth server with:
# runs on port 4000
npm run auth
If you find any bugs, or have any questions regarding the project, please contact me.