= Rametook v0.3.4rc - 2008-05-14
== About
Send/Receive SMS via Modem/Serial Port using Ruby
== Features
- Can run as a daemon
- Communication using serial-port (/dev/tty)
- Multi-modems
- Text mode
- AT command customizations with modem type profile
- CDMA/Text mode and GSM/PDU mode
== Installation
=== Requirements
- Ruby extensions/gems:
- rails 1.2.3
- daemons 1.0.6
- ruby-serial-port 0.6
- OS: Linux 2.6.20-16, Win32 Windows XP (using Cygwin)
- Database: MySQL 5.0.38 (supported by active-record)
NOTE: Version is not minimal requirement, it just version that was being used when start developing this application.
=== Steps
- Install application databases using SQL 'rametook.sql'
- Configure 'database.yml' for database connection.
- Add/Edit record in table 'modem_devices' to register and enable your modem as device.
== Usage
Connect and activate your modem to serial port (whatever tty)
Run application, type:
./rametook.rb run
Press CTRL-C to stop program.
Run application as daemon, type:
./rametook.rb start
To stop daemon, type:
./rametook.rb stop
== Development
Run 'doc.sh' script to create RDoc documentation for development.
Testing Phone:
- 02270499268 (CDMA-FLEXI)
- 081572292390 (GSM-MENTARI)
- 083829022820 (GSM-AXIS)
- 622270573111 (CDMA-FLEXI-111)
Still To Do:
- Pre-start, flushing buffer for made modem be prepared
- Full Unicode support, Test it!
- Automatic modem recognize
- Message Priority
- Multipart
- EMS/Ringtone/Logo messages
In Development:
== History
- Fix, how to get working dir in Rametook and Rametook Control, also how to handle process that isn't belong to us (root)
- Two versions of rametookctl, the new one using StatusIcon + PopupMenu, a nice start for controller example. And rametook icon :) from niwat0ri
- Try creating a launcher on desktop/menus :P
- Splitting Daemon
- Still failing with T39m, becoz message-ref/ID (+CMGS: 0)
- GSM/PDU mode implemented
- Simple GUI controller
== Credits
Author:: firoDJ firodj@yahoo.co.id, fadhil.mandaga@jerbeeindonesia.com Homepage:: http://firodj.info, http://www.friendster.com/firodj License:: GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3