MulVAL: A logic-based, data-driven enterprise network security analyzer
Originally developed at Kansas State University, version updated for FIWARE CyberCAPTOR.
MulVAL needs Java and a C++ compiler to be built.
This can be installed for example on Debian-like distributions using:
apt-get install g++ openjdk-7-jdk
MulVAL also needs bison and flex dependencies.
This can be installed for example on Debian-like distributions using:
apt-get install bison flex
Before building MulVAL, the MULVALROOT
environment variable has to be set to the folder on which MulVAL will be built.
export MULVALROOT=/path/to/mulval
Then, MulVAL can be build with
MulVAL original documentation (installation and user guide) can be found in doc/README