A curated list of awesome projects that supplement Flet.
We are waiting for your PR's!
- FletDev - Flet site.
- FletRoadmap - Flet Roadmap.
- FletTutorials - Flet Tutorials.
- A brief intro to Flet. - A brief intro to Flet.
- Create your first python application with Flet. - Your first python application with Flet.
- Create login screen in Flet. - Login Screen in Flet.
- Building a Markdown Editor in Flet. - Markdown Editor In Flet.
- Packaging app for Android - Official documentation for packaging Flet application for Android.
- flet-alchemy - Flet and SQLAlchemy example.
List of generic projects.
- myPeriod - Menstrual cycle tracking app.
- RetScape - A graphical NomadNet page browser.
- Simple-Stopwatch - A simple stopwatch.
- Calculator - A dead simple calculator app.
- Organo - A simple app that generates organic structures from their IUPAC names.
- Flet-base - Basic app with multiple pages and basic auth functionalities to jump start your next project.
- flet_projects - A list of applications built with Flet library.
- FletifyHTML - FletifyHTML is a versatile Python tool designed to convert HTML content into Flet code.
- fletmint - A sharp and modern components library for Flet.
- flet-hacks - Quick, dirty hacks with Flet / Flutter. Improvising innovation.
- Flet-Color-Browser - A simple Web and desktop UI for easy color selection in Flet Application development.
- FletCustomRepo - This is a repository for developing custom components, custom composite components, custom user interface templates, custom animation templates, and custom page element effects using the Flet framework.
- Bookkeeping-Assistant - A simple small bookkeeping application (hourly rate calculator).
List of libraries for Flet.
- flet_pb_v_calc - Flet Progress Bar Value Calculator.
- FletNavigator - Simple and fast navigator (router) for Flet (Python) that allows you to create multi-page applications.
- FletRouter - FastAPI-like routing for Flet.
- FletForm - Validation of user input
- VSCode FletWrap - Efficiently wrapping Flet controllers within other controllers
- Flet-Easy - Intuitive resource that simplifies code structure and accelerates application creation, with features such as dynamic routing, decorators, middleware, JWT, route protection, custom 404 pages and much more, all designed to meet your needs.
- Ask Flet Guru - It is a Flet-focused AI to answer your questions.
- FletTimer - It demonstrates how to create a countdown timer using threading for real-time display updates.
- FletWColors - just to help the developer get many colors without remembering their hex value.
- Flet Model - A Model-based router for Flet applications that simplifies the creation of multi-page applications with built-in state management, navigation, and advanced features like event binding, view caching, and thread-safe initialization hooks.
List of projects that implement new controls for Flet.
- flet-carousel - Carousel sliders pack for Flet.
- flet-contrib - Flet controls by the community.
- flet-stacked - a custom Flet control for managing multiple pages with smooth animations.
- flet-dropzone - a DropZone control that accepts dropped files.
- flet-blur - Adding nice transparency effect to your Flet App
List of projects that extend the styling capabilities of Flet.
- FletReStyle - Restyle for Flet.
- Neumoflet - Generage flet Ui code, for neumorphic Design.