- PR #1231 - @hiddeco - Take private key from file into account in Git bootstrap
- PR #1226 - @stefanprodan - Revamp bootstrap documentation
- PR #1225 - @somtochiama - Format go imports in cmd/flux
- PR #1224 - @somtochiama - Refactor reconcile and resume cmd for alert and receiver
- PR #1223 - @stefanprodan - Add CII Best Practices badge
- PR #1222 - @stefanprodan - Fix create source git auth for non-HTTPS repos
- PR #1219 - @frankgu968 - fix: install command flags logic bug
- PR #1194 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components
- PR #1191 - @stefanprodan - Add recurse submodules arg to create source git and bootstrap cmd
- PR #1190 - @fluxcdbot - Update source-controller to v0.11.0
- PR #1179 - @hiddeco - Publish AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7 images for binary
- PR #1176 - @kaaboaye - Fix reocncile typo
- PR #1173 - @stefanprodan - Add source namespace to create commands
- PR #1171 - @Legion2 - Updated automation migration guide filter tags crd
- PR #968 - @hiddeco - Refactor bootstrap to make use of go-git-providers
Docker images
docker pull fluxcd/flux-cli:v0.12.0
docker pull ghcr.io/fluxcd/flux-cli:v0.12.0