This project is no longer active or useful. It was developed for an older version of RailsWizard.
Use the rails3_devise_wizard instead.
This is a collection of Ruby scripts (“recipes”) used to create custom application templates.
Application templates are often used to generate a Rails 3 “starter” or “skeleton” app that can be the basis for many projects.
Here’s an example of an application template for a starter app that was assembled from these recipes:
RailsWizard is a website you can visit to create application templates that are used to generate a Rails 3 web application. RailsWizard might not have all the ingredients or customizations you want for your Rails app. This is a collection of extra recipes that you can add to the RailsWizard mix.
This project was inspired by fnichol/rails-template-recipes.
Here’s a tutorial that shows how an example application is built from a combination of recipes:
Here are finished application templates that are assembled from recipes:
You can see an example application that was created from the recipes:
Rails has a command that looks like this:
$ rails new app_name -m /path/to/application-template.rb
which generates a new Rails application and customizes it according to a script defined in the application-template.rb file.
You can create an application-template.rb file yourself or use one that someone else has written. Or you can visit, select various ingredients from a menu, add recipes from this repository, and programmatically generate a new application template.
File | Dependencies | Authors | |
action_mailer.rb | Changes ActionMailer defaults | none | dkehoe |
ban_spiders.rb | Ban spiders from your site by changing robots.txt | none | dkehoe |
cleanup.rb | Remove unnecessary files, add READMEs | none | fnichol, dkehoe |
git.rb | Add a gitignore file, initialize new Git repo | Git | fnichol, dkehoe |
gitignore.txt | The mother of all gitignore files | Git | various |
irb.rb | Add gems for wirble, awesome_print, interactive_editor | none | fnichol |
rake_init_tasks.rb | Adds rake init:* tasks | ActiveRecord | fnichol |
rvm.rb | Sets up an rvm gemset | rvm | fnichol |
sample_readme.textile | Placeholder text for a README file (textile markup) | none | dkehoe |
sample_readme.txt | Placeholder text for a README file (ASCII) | none | dkehoe |
yard.rb | Replaces RDoc with Yard for documentation | none | rbrooker |
File | Dependencies | Authors | |
autotest.rb | Adds Autotest | none | fnichol |
rspec.rb | Replacement for the RailsWizard RSpec recipe (adds extras) | none | rbrooker, dkehoe |
rspec_extras.rb | Changes .rspec file for customized formatting | RSpec | fnichol |
cucumber.rb | Replacement for the RailsWizard Cucumber recipe (adds extras) | none | rbrooker, dkehoe |
cucumber_extras.rb | adds extras | Cucumber | fnichol |
File | Dependencies | Authors | |
activerecord_extras.rb | Adds gems for sqlite3, mysql, jruby | ActiveRecord | fnichol |
exclude_database_yaml.rb | Exclude database.yml from version control | ActiveRecord | fnichol |
File | Dependencies | Authors | |
bson_ext.rb | Add bson_ext gem for use with Mongoid | Mongoid | dkehoe |
mongoid_cleanup.rb | Updates the RailsWizard Mongoid recipe for a newer Mongoid, etc. | Mongoid | dkehoe |
File | Dependencies | Authors | |
devise.rb | Replacement for the RailsWizard standard Devise recipe | none | dkehoe |
jquery.rb | Replacement for the RailsWizard jQuery recipe | none | dkehoe |
jquery_fix.rb | Repairs an error in the RailsWizard jQuery recipe | jQuery | dkehoe |
File | Dependencies | Authors | |
capistrano_lastmile.rb | Adds gems for Capistrano and lastmile | none | fnichol |
heroku.rb | Add a Heroku gem and ignore file | none | dkehoe |
File | Dependencies | Authors | |
application_layout.rb | Adds application layout with flash messages | ERB or Haml | dkehoe |
css_setup.rb | Add a stylesheet with styles for a horizontal menu and flash messages | none | dkehoe |
flashes_partial.erb.rb | Add a flashes partial (for ERB) | ERB | fnichol |
flashes_partial.haml.rb | Add a flashes partial (for Haml) | Haml | fnichol |
File | Dependencies | Authors | |
add_user_name.rb | adds name to User, generates Devise views | User model, Devise | dkehoe |
devise_navigation.rb | Add navigation links to the default application layout | Devise | dkehoe |
home_page.rb | Create a home controller, route, and simple view | ERB or Haml | dkehoe |
home_page_users.rb | Modify a home page to display a list of users | Home controller, User model, ERB or Haml | dkehoe |
seed_database.rb | Adds a db/seeds.rb file with a default user | Mongoid, User model | dkehoe |
users_page.rb | Add a home page containing links to User pages | User model, ERB or Haml | dkehoe |
Before generating a new Rails app using an application template, you will need:
- The Ruby language (version 1.8.7 or 1.9.2)
- Rails (version 3.0.4 or newer)
You MUST be using Rails 3.0.4 or newer. Generating a Rails application from an “HTTPS” URL does not work in Rails 3.0.3 and earlier versions.
I recommend installing rvm, the Ruby Version Manager, to manage multiple versions of Rails.
If you are using rvm, you can see a list of the Ruby versions currently installed:
$ rvm list
Check that appropriate versions of Ruby and Rails are installed in your development environment:
$ ruby -v
$ rails -v
Add the following to the Customize Template section at
The array extra_recipes
should be a list of filenames from this repository (without the .rb extension).
Using the cleanup and ban_spiders recipes as a simple example.
git_repo = "" @recipe_list = recipes ; def recipe_list; @recipe_list end def extra_recipes; @extra_recipes end @extra_recipes = %w{ cleanup ban_spiders } @extra_recipes.each { |r| apply "#{git_repo}/raw/master/#{r}.rb" }
Here’s a complex example that generates the complete rails3-mongoid-devise example application as described in the tutorial.
Use the RailsWizard graphical menu to select Mongoid, Haml, and a CSS framework. Do NOT select RSpec, Cucumber, jQuery, or Devise from the RailsWizard graphical menu.
git_repo = "" @recipe_list = recipes ; def recipe_list; @recipe_list end def extra_recipes; @extra_recipes end @extra_recipes = %w{ git rspec cucumber jquery devise bson_ext mongoid_cleanup action_mailer add_user_name home_page home_page_users seed_database users_page css_setup application_layout devise_navigation cleanup ban_spiders } @extra_recipes.each { |r| apply "#{git_repo}/raw/master/#{r}.rb" }
Rails generators can use any methods provided by the Thor::Actions module. The flexibility of mixing “recipes” for application templates comes from use of the apply
method from the Thor::Actions module. Given a web address or a local filepath, the apply method loads and executes a file within the context of the generator script.
This is the only documentation.
To understand the code in these templates, take a look at Thor::Actions. Your recipes can use any methods provided by Thor::Actions or Rails::Generators::Actions.
Please send a message (via GitHub) or a “pull request” if you’ve written recipes you’d like to contribute.
Cooking Up A Custom Rails 3 Template (11 Oct 2010) by Andrea Singh
Rails Application Templates (16 Sept 2010) by Collin Schaafsma
Application templates in Rails 3 (18 Sept 2009) by Ben Scofield
Railscasts: App Templates in Rails 2.3 (9 Feb 2009) by Ryan Bates
Rails templates (4 Dec 2008) by Pratik Naik
Any issues? Please create an Issue on GitHub.
If you make improvements to these templates, please share with others.
- Fork the project on GitHub.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Commit with Git.
- Send the author a pull request.
If you start a project that is similar, please contact me and I’ll add a note to the README so that others can find your work.
Are the templates useful to you? Follow me on Twitter:
and tweet some praise. I’d love to know you were helped out by what I’ve put together.
This project was inspired by Fletcher Nichol’s fnichol/rails-template-recipes.
Template recipes by Daniel Kehoe ( (some based on recipes by Fletcher Nichol).
Additional recipes contributed by Ramon Brooker (RSpec, Cucumber, Yard).
This work is a compilation and derivation from other previously released works. With the exception of various included works, which may be restricted by other licenses, the author or authors of this code dedicate any and all copyright interest in this code to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this code under copyright law.