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ToFu Data Structures and Algorithms Library by Fossil Logic

ToFu is a versatile, platform-independent library offering a comprehensive suite of data structures, algorithms, and a generic Tofu type, all designed to facilitate high-performance and reliable software development. Written in both C and C++, ToFu is engineered to deliver optimal performance across a wide range of operating systems. The library employs the Meson build system, ensuring a streamlined development and deployment process.

Key Features

  1. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensures consistent performance and functionality across major operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  2. Modular Design: Provides a suite of modular components that can be easily integrated and customized to suit specific project needs.
  3. Efficient Build System: Utilizes the Meson build system for its C and C++ components, known for fast build times and a user-friendly syntax.
  4. High Performance: Implemented in C and C++ to maximize performance and resource efficiency, suitable for both desktop and embedded applications.
  5. Extensive Documentation and Examples: Includes comprehensive documentation and example code to help developers get started quickly and effectively.

Generic Tofu Type

ToFu introduces the fossil_tofu_t type, a generic container type that supports various operations:

  • Creation: Functions to create and initialize fossil_tofu_t objects.
  • Memorization: Caching mechanisms to improve performance.
  • Printing and Destruction: Utility functions for output and memory management.
  • Comparison and Copying: Utilities for comparing and duplicating fossil_tofu_t objects.

Algorithms and Utilities

ToFu provides a rich set of algorithms and utility functions:

  • Transformation and Accumulation: Functions for transforming and accumulating data in arrays.
  • Filtering and Searching: Capabilities for filtering elements and searching with custom predicates.
  • Array Operations: Includes reversing, swapping, and shuffling array elements.
  • Iterator Support: Provides iterator functionality for traversing data structures.
  • Memory Management: Includes custom allocation, reallocation, and free functions.
  • String Operations: Utility functions like fossil_tofu_strdup for string manipulation.


To get started with Fossil ToFu, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Meson Build System: If you don’t have Meson installed, follow the installation instructions on the official Meson website.
  • CMake Build System: If you don’t have CMake installed, follow the installation instructions on the official CMake website.

Adding Fossil Tofu Dependency

Adding Fossil Tofu Dependency With Meson

  1. Install Meson Build System: Install Meson version 1.3 or newer:

    python -m pip install meson           # To install Meson
    python -m pip install --upgrade meson # To upgrade Meson
  2. Create a .wrap File: Add the fossil-tofu.wrap file in your subprojects directory and include the following content:

    # ======================
    # Git Wrap package definition
    # ======================
    url =
    revision = v0.1.7
    fossil-tofu = fossil_tofu_dep
  3. Integrate the Dependency: In your file, integrate Fossil Tofu by adding the following line:

    dep = dependency('fossil-tofu')

Adding Fossil Test Dependency With CMake

To use Fossil Tofu with CMake, follow these steps:

  1. Install CMake: Install CMake version 3.13.4 or newer:

    python -m pip install cmake           # To install CMake
    python -m pip install --upgrade cmake # To upgrade CMake
  2. Find and Integrate Fossil Tofu: After installing CMake, you can integrate Fossil Tofu as a dependency. Add the following lines to your CMakeLists.txt file:

    # Find Fossil Tofu package
    find_package(FossilTofu REQUIRED)
    # Link the Fossil Tofu to your project
    target_link_libraries(your_target FossilTofu)
  3. Configure Your CMake Project: Make sure to configure your CMake project to include the necessary paths and dependencies for Fossil Tofu. Typically, you’ll want to make sure the FossilTofu library is correctly linked in your build configuration.

    This will ensure that Fossil Tofu is included and properly built with your project.

Note: For the best experience, always use the latest release of Fossil Test. Visit the Fossil ToFu Releases page for the latest versions.

Configure Options

ToFu offers configurable options to tailor the build process to your needs:

  • Running Tests: To enable testing, configure the build with -Dwith_test=enabled.


meson setup builddir -Dwith_test=enabled

Contributing and Support

For those interested in contributing, reporting issues, or seeking support, please open an issue on the project repository or visit the Fossil Logic Docs for more information. Your feedback and contributions are always welcome.