Weka package for parameter optimization, similar to GridSearch. Can be used for optimizing an arbitrary number of parameters, in contrast to GridSearch which always requires you to optimize two parameters. However, it does not offer automatic search space extensions like GridSearch.
uses mathematical expression to compute the (numeric) parameters
list of values; default is blank-separated, but a custom delimiter can be supplied
generates hidden layer definitions for the MultiLayerPerceptron classifier (contributed by Jan van Rijn)
allows grouping of dependent parameters, e.g., setting on group sets the kernel of SMO to RFBKernel and explores the gamma option, another group sets the kernel to PolyKernel and explores the exponent option.
Note: array elements, e.g., the filters inside a weka.filters.MultiFilter
can be accessed using [n]
with n
being the 0-based index. E.g., if the
third filter inside a MultiFilter
is a PLSFilter
, then its numComponents
property can be accessed with filters[2].numComponents
- char, string
- float, double
- int, long
- boolean
- Java classname (and possible options for classes implementing
The search space of setups can be explored with different strategies, derived
from weka.classifiers.meta.multisearch.AbstractSearch
. The following
strategies are available:
Exhaustive search of parameter space
Random search of parameter space (contributed by Jan van Rijn)
With the following classifier setup:
+- weka.filters.supervised.attribute.PLSFilter
+- weka.classifiers.functions.LinearRegression
You can explore the filter's PLS components and classifier's ridge parameters by referencing these properties as follows (the MultiSearch's classifier is used as the base for the property paths):
- components:
- ridge:
For more examples, please see the following repository:
Click on one of the following links to download the corresponding Weka package:
- 2021.2.17
- 2020.2.17
- 2019.10.4
- 2019.9.30
- old releases: 2018.9.2, 2018.8.16, 2018.8.11, 2017.10.1, 2017.3.28, 2016.6.6, 2016.5.31, 2016.5.25, 2016.5.15, 2016.4.30, 2016.4.25, 2016.4.14, 2016.1.30, 2016.1.15, 2016.1.14, 2016.1.13, 2015.10.15, 2015.9.2, 2014.12.10
For more information on how to install the package, see:
Add the following dependency in your pom.xml
to include the package: