Standalone projects and libraries written in Java.
Java library for determining the minimal set of classes on a classpath to make a supplied list of classes compile (uses the JDK's
tool). -
Generates altitude profiles of GPS traces.
Supported input formats: CSV, TCX, GPX, KML
Supported output formats: CSV, PNG
GPS format conversions in Java. Very simple, very hacky.
Supported formats: CSV, TCX, GPX, KML
For reading/writing data in jsonlines format.
Helper classes for internet related operations, like proxy settings and downloading files.
Java library that analyzes class files (dirs/jars) and collects the class file version.
Java library that tries to mimick Python's enumerate and tuples.
Reference implemention of the IUPAC JCAMP-DX spectroscopy data standard.
Fork of orphaned Google code project, slightly modified to fix some bugs.
Little helper library for clipboard related operations in Java.
Directory bookmarks for the JFileChooser Swing component.
Patched versions of the jide-oss swing library.
You can write and execute Java code without having to compile, thanks to jshell. This library can be used from command-line straight-away or as Swing widget. Comes with syntax highlighting for your code.
Helper library for outputting Weka class hierarchies.
Little helper class for testing the loading of native libraries in Java.
Stripped down fork of Weka 3.9.x branch (HEAD) without package manager and user interface.
Command-line tool for generating a minified build environment of Meka based on a supplied set of classes.
Command-line tool for generating a minified build environment of Weka based on a supplied set of classes.
lightweight audio analysis library with the purpose of extracting both high level and low level audio features. Mavenized version of defunct Google Code project.
The most important algorithms and data structures in use today.
Contains the mavenized code examples from Princeton's Introduction to Programming in Java.
Simple Java library for capturing stdout/stderr of processes launched from within Java.
Simple library for reading in Quicken Interchange Format (QIF) files.
Command-line tool that strips the GPL preamble from source codes files (eg when providing a commercial release).
HTTP for humans, inspired by the amazing Python requests library.
Library for making it easy to extract/read resources on the classpath.
Tiny Java library for formatting and parsing Roman numerals.
Simple Java wrapper for rsync for Linux, OSX and Windows (64bit only).
Java frontend for creating screencasts (sound, desktop and webcam).
Simple command-line option parser, inspired by argparse4j
Simple handler for INI files, making the Apache classes for hierarchical INI files easier to use.
Determining size of Java objects.
Library for converting Sudoku puzzle collections into various formats.
Updated fork of vfsjfilechooser project on
Library for making life easier with Weka option handling.
Command-line based manager for virtual environments for running multiple Weka installations (including packages) in parallel.
Standalone projects and libraries written in Python.
Python library for making objects easily configurable via dictionaries and JSON.
Python library for downloading and processing energy data from Frank Energy (NZ).
Simple Python-based command-line tool to generate .nfo files for movies used by Kodi.
Jpype-based Python wrapper for Meka.
Example Python library that demonstrates the use of argparse and console scripts.
Simple library to create and apply pulseaudio profiles under Linux.
Python library that adds a tray icon for easily changing and creating pulseaudio profiles.
python-weka-wrapper3 (examples)
Python3 wrapper for Weka using javabridge. Allows you to use Weka from within Python 3.
Simple Python script to deduplicate QKSMS backup JSON files.
Python script to generate a MEKA ARFF file from the Reuters 21578 raw SGML data.
Python framework for constructing and running simple workflows.
Command-line utilities to for sending/receiving data to/from a Redis backend.
sklearn-weka-plugin (examples)
Makes Weka algorithms available in scikit-learn, built on top of python-weka-wrapper3.
Command-line tool for bootstrapping Maven applications just by using the dependencies.
Maven plugin that helps building DEB packages from Maven projects. The packages can be used in DEB-based operating systems such as Debian and Ubuntu. The plugin uses external Debian tools to do the actual packaging. Fork of original project at:
Maven plugin that allows you to create PDF documentation from LaTeX source code. Fork of original project at, but with a few more options now.
Helper class for automatically generating Maven dependency tag snippets by querying Maven Central using the SHA-1 of the jar(s).
Simplified version of maven-dependency plugin that just outputs a list of dependencies.
Maven plugin for generating parsers using JavaCup and JFlex.
Library that allows to perform simple file filtering on text files, with or without additional variables and/or custom variable prefix/suffix.
Weka packages for all sorts of things.
Semi-Supervised Learning and Collective Classification.
Converts command-lines into code snippets.
CSV loader/saver for Weka that handles common formats (requires Weka snapshot/release post r15656).
Different visualizations of a classifier's confusion matrix in the Explorer.
Filters that allow modifying attribute/instance weights.
Fast Random Forest implementation - fork of
Meta-loaders that apply a filter to the data loader by the base-loader.
TreeVisualize plugin for the Weka Explorer using GraphViz to generate the tree.
TreeVisualize plugin for the Weka Explorer using JGraphT to generate the tree.
Allows scripting Java using jshell.
Filter for performing KNN undersampling, based on code from
Package that makes LightGBM functionality available in Weka.
Loader/saver reading/writing binary Matlab .mat files.
For missing values imputation and injection using various techniques
Maximum Likelihood Rule Ensembles (MLRules) classifier (fork of
For parameter optimization, similar to GridSearch, but with arbitrary number of parameters.
Classifier and filter that apply a mathematical expression to the data to make a prediction or update a target attribute. Uses the mXparser library for the evaluation of the expressions.
Various natural language processing components.
Adds the PTStemmer.
Adds the RMSPE (Root Mean Square Percentage Error) as metric for classifiers.
Adds screencast4j to the GUIChooser's menu.
Adds a tab to the Weka Explorer for viewing serialized models.
Takes advantage of the tablesaw Java dataframe and visualization library.
Collection of artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms and artificial immune system (AIS) algorithms, originally developed by Jason Brownlee for Weka 3.6.4, but now available as Weka package.
Some docker images that I manage:
Docker image for the BigBlueButton render tool, to generate videos from recordings.
Some systemd-related projects:
Starting/stopping hd-idle on Raspberry Pi via systemd.
Starting/stopping on Raspberry Pi via systemd.
Using system services/timers to backup a media server to a backup server
Starting/stopping kodi on Raspberry Pi via systemd.
Material for presentations and workshops.
Publication and talk for BigMine 2015, Sydney, Australia.
eResearch NZ 2014 workshop on ADAMS -
ADAMS data mining workship in Kuching, 26/27 Nov 2015.
Weka User International Conference 2021
Presentations and code of my two talks at the Weka User Internatioanl Conference, Nov 26 2021.
Some database-related repositories:
SQLite port of the MySQL employees test DB
Curated vim macros that I use in my setup.
Curated list of vim plugins that I find useful.
Vim plugin that turns off highlighting and recudes undo to speed up viewing/editing of large files.
Simple vim plugin for changing the font size of your GVim via keybinding.
Miscellaneous repositories.
Templates for ADAMS posters.
Collection of example bash scripts.
Configuration files for the double-commander file browser, to make the UI more useful.
Using OneDrive for Business as a (sort of) backup solution for Linux with rclone and rclone-browser.
Remote access to a Raspberry Pi via reverse proxy frp.
Simple rsync-based backup.
Bash script for generating time lapse videos on Android using Termux.
Code for generating my University of Waikato homepage using Nikola.
Templates for presentations and letters in LateX, LibreOffice and MS Office format.
python-weka-wrapper (examples)
Python wrapper for Weka using javabridge. Allows you to use Weka from within Python 2.7.