This application shows an implementation of a fictitious airline called "Acme Air". The application was built with some key business requirements: the ability to scale to billions of web API calls per day, the need to develop and deploy the application targeting multiple cloud platforms (including Public, Private and hybrid). The application can be deployed both on-prem as well as on Cloud platforms.
This version of acmeair supports:
- WebSphere Liberty Profile to Mongodb
Use maven to build the project
- git clone
- cd acmeair-monolithic-java
- mvn clean package
Quick Setup with docker-compose Instructions
Prereq: Install Docker, docker-compose, and start Docker daemon on your local machine
- cd acmeair-monolithic-java
- Create docker network
- docker network create --driver bridge my-net
Build/Start Containers. This will build all the micro-services, mongo db instances, and an nginx proxy.
- docker-compose --pull build
- NETWORK=my-net docker-compose up
Go to http://docker_machine_ip/
Go to the Configuration Page and Load the Database
Other Setups - Setup DB
- First, create a Compost account, then create a Mongo DB Deployment (It is a paid service with 30 days free trial)
- Create a database with the name "acmeair"
- get these information:
- "hostname
- "port"
- "db"
- "username"
- "password"
- mkdir apps
- cp target/acmeair-java-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war apps
- ibmcloud cf push acme-java-myname -p ../acmeair -m 512M
Add these environment variables and restage
(Alternative) Create user provided DB Service
Create a string using Compose database information:
- "url": "mongodb://username:password@hostname:port/db"
- e.g. mongodb://
Use CF command to create DB:
- cf cups mongodbCompose -p "url"
- At the URL prompt, enter above URL that was created:
- url>mongodb://
On IBM Cloud Dasboard, bind the created mongodbCompose service to Acmeair
- restage/restart Acmeair application
- docker build -f ./Dockerfile_KS -t .
- docker push
- Modify acmeair-monolithic-java.yaml to add as the image name
- Modify acmeair-monolithic-java.yaml to add DB connection information (Note: If there is no user setup for this DB, REMOVE MONGO_USER & MONGO_PASSWORD entries)
- kubectl create -f ./acmeair-monolithic-java.yaml
- Go to the home page http://hostname:port
- At the bottom of the page, click the link : Configure the Acme Air Environment > Click Load the database
- Follow the instruction here
- Use AcmeAir-v5.jmx insread of AcmeAir-microservices.jmx (Note: there is a limitation for JAX-RS to use root directory)
- jmeter -n -t AcmeAir-v5.jmx -DusePureIDs=true -JHOST=hostname -JPORT=80 -j logName -JTHREAD=1 -JUSER=999 -JDURATION=60 -JRAMP=0 ;