This repository contains Examples, code and Data for the paper "Noncongruence Subgroups and Maass waveforms"
You can make basic queries etc. against the database of subgroups without having SAGE ( or PSAGE ( installed but certain extra features will only be available through PSAGE.
Examples of Maass forms and eigenvalues are available in the /examples
-- data corresponding to Tables of non-exceptional eigenvaluesexamples/
-- data for Tables of exceptional eigenvalues.
The database of subgroups is available through MongoDB and to interact with it you need access to the following:.
- MongoDB
- Python
- Install mongodb: See e.g. for installation in various systems.
- Untar the database files in subgroupsdb.tar:
cd data tar -xvf subgroupsdb.tar this creates a directory 'subgroups' and you can now:
- Insert all data into your local mongo database:
mongorestore -d subgroups data/subgroups/ (This was created using `mongodump -d
If you can't install mongodb on your machine but have docker installed you can install it and recreate the database by the following steps:
- follow the steps above and untar the
directory in /tmp (otherwise change /tmp below)) -
docker pull mongo
docker run --name mongo-503 -p 27017:27017 -v /tmp:/data/ -d mongo
docker exec mongo-503 sh -c 'mongorestore -d subgroups /data/subgroups'
You will now have a running mongodb at port 27017
It is generally considered best to setup and run python modules in a virtual environment of some kind. Which version you use depends on your preferences. You can use either of
- virtualenv wrapper:
- venv
- conda
- Install virtualenv wrapper:
- Make a virtual environment
mkvirtualenv noncong This also activates the environment.
- python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
- source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate
conda 1conda create -n noncong python=3
After this you just need to install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
See the mongoengine docs: for information on how to query the database through the models. Available models:
subgroups.models.Signatures --> Valid signatures of groups in the database subgroups.models.ConjugacyClassesPSL --> Conjugacy classes (where we have complete information) subgroups.models.Subgroups --> Subgroups
ipython In [1]: import noncong
In [2]: noncong.subgroups.models.Subgroup.objects.filter(genus=0,index=10).count() 255
In [3]: g=noncong.subgroups.models.Subgroup.objects.filter(index=10).first();g
Out[4]: Subgroup of PS(2,Z) of signature (10;0,2,2,1) with perm(T)= ((1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 7, 9, 8, 6), (10,))
In [5]: g.generators
Out[6]: u'[[0, -1, 1, 0], [4, -1, 9, -2], [-4, 3, -7, 5], [1, -2, 1, -1]]'
ipython In[1]: import noncong.subgroups.models In[2]: fp=open('table.html','w') In[3]: s=noncong.backend.print_table.print_table_of_groups(index_max=17,format='html') In[4]: fp.writelines(s) In[5]: fp.close() In[2]: fp=open('table.tex','w') In[3]: s=noncong.backend.print_table.print_table_of_groups(index_max=17,format='latex') In[4]: fp.writelines(s) In[5]: fp.close()