embed image files in markdown as base64
Takes a markdown file with images referenced by file and embeds the image content as base64
. Useful if you want to render standalone markdown files without serving or hosting individual image files. Currently only handles png
Add to your project with
npm install embed-images --save
Or install as a command line tool with
npm install embed-images -g
If you have a file example.md
# this is a markdown file with an image

And call
embed-images example.md
You'll get
# this is a markdown file with an image
Just provide filenames for input and output and an optional callback.
require('embed-images')(input, output, cb)
If you don't specify an output the result will be logged to stdout.
Just specify an input and pipe to stdout
embed-images input.md > output.md
Or specify an output file
embed-images input.md -o output.md