This is a sample code project. Made according to the task given. Some extra features have not been made due to time constraints.
This is the code test sent to applicants for back-end developer roles. Using PHP (preferably OOP and an MVC structure), MySQL and HTML, create a simple application that will allow the user to display a list of events from a database table with three columns - id, event title and event date. Also enable the user to add, edit and delete events. The code will be judged on structure, readability and security. Using Jquery calendar (or something similar) display these events in a calendar underneath the list of events created above.
We are looking for a representation of good code to fulfill the mission. How you choose to approach this and in what detail is up to you. We do not however want you spending a ridiculous amount of time on this so if there is something you would have done but would time-consuminging then you can simply note this alongside the code.
- Clone the project.
- Open project folder with terminal.
- Edit .env file with your credentials.
- Run "sh" command or start manually. (it's a shell script for everything)
- Go to localhost:8000 with your browser.
Base requirements
- PHP 7+
- NPM / Yarn
- Composer
Start manually composer install; npm install; php artisan migrate; php artisan db:seed; vendor/bin/phpunit --debug; npm run production; php artisan serve;
Just run server
php artisan serve
- Laravel 5.8 ✅
- OOP & Eloquent ORM ✅
- API Resources (Collections, Resource models) ✅
- Restful API ✅
- JWT & Bearer Auth ✅
- Modern Frontend (VueJS) ✅
- Shell Script for Installation ✅
- PHPUnit & Testcases ✅
- Security Checks (Throttle ✅, JWT ✅)
- PSR Standarts ✅
- Eloquent Relationships ✅
- Eloquent mutators ✅
- Migration Files ✅
- Factories ✅
- DB Seeds ✅
- Insomnia Rest Client Support ✅
- Cached queries with Redis ✅
- Queued calendar event jobs with Horizon 🚫
- Auto generated documentation with PHPDocs ✅
- Notification system 🚫
- Scheduled commands 🚫
If desired, I can make the missing parts.
Insomnia export is in the project root directory. (Insomnia.json) You can import your insomnia client.