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MrHAMER2 is a pipeline for generating of high accuracy single molecule Nanopore reads. The pipeline accepts FASTQ-format sequence files as input and outputs a multi-FASTQ of corrected non-chimeric reads, aligned reads and QC stats.

This is a heavily customized and enhanced version of from Oxford Nanopore Technologies.

The pre-print is available at


The pipeline performs the following steps:

  • Reads are mapped to reference genome using minimap2
  • Separate into amplicons
  • Extract UMI sequences for all reads
  • Cluster UMI sequences per amplicon using vsearch and compute high accuracy consensus reads
  • Remove PCR-derived chimeras using Chimera_Buster (optional)

Getting Started

This pipeline has only been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS.


The following software packages must be installed prior to running:


After installing miniconda3, install the pipeline as follows:

git clone

Change to directory:


Create conda environment with all dependencies:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate environment:

conda activate MrHAMER2

Install Auxiliary Python Scripts

cd lib && pip install . && cd ..

Copy modified Medaka files provided by MrHAMER2 to conda environment:

cp medaka_mod/* $CONDA_PREFIX/lib/python3.8/site-packages/medaka

Deactivate environment:

conda deactivate


To test if the installation was successful run:

conda activate MrHAMER2
snakemake -j 4 --configfile config.yml


In order for the pipeline to run, the following files/folders must be in the working directory:

File Location in MrHAMER2 directory
Snakefile ./Snakefile
config.yml ./config.yml


To run the pipeline the following input files are required:

Input Description
Long-read sequences Folder containing FASTQ files or a single concatenated FASTQ file.
Reference genome FASTA file containing the reference genome.
Target BED file A BED file containing the chromosome, start and end coordinate and the name of all amplicons.
Medaka Model file A tar.gz file that provides the model for Medaka processing. NOTE: The medaka model file for R10.4 chemistry with e8.2 pores at 400 bps speed is provided. For more information on Medaka models, see medaka model info. If a different model is needed, please download from medaka model download.

Config File

Before starting the pipeline, confirm the following varibles are correct in the config.yml file:

Input Description
sample_name The name that the output folders/files will use.
input_fastq The location of the long-read sequences fastq file.
reference_fasta The location of the reference genome fasta file.
targets_bed The location of the target BED file.
You can also adjust the optional parameters listed below:
Parameter Description
------- -------------
chimera_buster_on If set to true, the Chimera_Buster module will be run at the end of the pipeline and will output a fastq file of nonchimeric corrected reads.
chimera_buster_MT Designates the maximum number of mismatched/indel bases allowed when comparing UMIs. Changing this value will change the specificity and throughput of the Chimera_Buster module. Default is 1.
chimera_buster_HS When set to true, chimeric reads are rechecked to account for any clustering issues earlier in the pipeline. WARNING: this part of the code is slow and is only recommended for low input samples. Default is False.
minimap2_param This sets the parameters that Minimap2 will use throughout the pipeline. Please refer to the manual for Minimap2 linked above for more details on the availble parameters.
umi_errors Designates the maximum differences between UMI in read and UMI pattern.
min_reads_per_cluster Minimum number of reads required for a consensus read.
max_reads_per_cluster Maximum number of 1D reads used for a consensus read.
min_overlap Minimum overlap with target region.
balance_strands If set to True, the pipeline inforces balancing of forward and reverse 1D reads in clusters.
medaka_model Location of Medaka model used to compute consensus reads.
fwd_context Sequence of tail on 5' end of the forward UMI primer.
rev_context Sequence of tail on 5' end of the reverse UMI primer.
fwd_umi Pattern of the UMI in the forward UMI primer.
rev_umi Pattern of the UMI in the reverse UMI primer.
min_length Minimum combined UMI length.
max_length Maximum combined UMI length.

Running the pipeline

Once the config.yml is updated with the correct information and the MrHAMER2 environment is activated, simply run the following command:

snakemake -j 32 --configfile config.yml

-j specifies how many threads will be used by the pipeline.


The main output file created by the pipeline is:

Output Description
{sample_name}_{target}_final.fastq A multi-fastq of all corrected non-chimeric reads.

After the a pipeline analysis has completed, these files can be found at {sample_name}/{sample_name}_{target}_final.fastq e.g. MrHAMER2_test/MrHAMER2_test_Env_final.fastq.


For issues or bugs, please report them on the issues page.


MIT - Copyright (c) 2024 Christian M Gallardo and Jessica L Albert


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