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WWWorkshop Webring

HTMLProofer/NPM Lint Build

Source code for a webring called WWWorkshop Created as part of an undergraduate studio course at OCAD University—view course materials and syllabus. Source code and design is based on by neauoire.

Joining the Webring

Add the following HTML snippet to the bottom of your page, before the closing </body> tag.

<script src="" data-color="#0000ff" data-link-type="random" async defer></script>


The tag contains two data attributes:

  • data-color: (Hex color) Defines the color of the monograph. Default is black, #000000
  • data-link-type: Defines the navigation style through the webring
    • random Default
    • next Navigate to the adjacent URL in the webring sequence

Adding a Site

Adding sites to the webring is done by adding a new entry in ./_data/sites.yml. Add yourself to the webring by submitting an edit to this repository. Example of an entry:

- name: {{ }}
  title: {{ site.title }}
  siteURL: {{ site.url }}


  1. Clone repository: git clone && cd wwworkshop-webring
  2. Install Bundler: gem install bundler
  3. Install dependencies: bundle install
  4. Run locally: bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
  5. Open a browser to: http://localhost:4000

wwwwidget.js Development

With npm installed:

  1. Install dependencies: npm install
  2. Lint ./assets/wwwidget.js with Standard: npm run lint
  3. Build ./assets/wwwidget.js with webpack: npm run build

License & Attribution

Webring code is based on by neauoire.

Source code is available under GNU General Public License v3.0. Built with Jekyll, Tachyons, Two.js, and typeset in Work Sans.