Simple library to integrate Github authentication to android app using OAuth.
compile 'com.github.geniushkg:oauthLibGithub:1.0.2'
Add to manifest
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
and activity declaration:
<activity android:name="com.hardikgoswami.oauthLibGithub.OauthActivity"/>
Initialise new Auth instance with credentials
- Client id : you get it from your github profile by creating new app.
Follow this tutorial - Client Secret : same as above.
- NextActivity : Thats your activity you want launch after user gets authenticated.
- Context : you can use context variable from place where initiate the process that is getActivity() from fragment or getapplicationcontext() from activity.
Sample initialization :
// Github ID and secret are generated in profile
// package name is your packagename
// next activity is your activity with full name including package
// you can use debug(true) for logcat , use TAG = "github-oauth"
// scope can also be defined (optional)
loginButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Note : Callback url can be as per your requirement or make it http://localhost while registering new Oauth application.
Note 2: Available scopes are presented on the table below
Scope | Description |
repo:status | Access commit status |
repo_deployment | Access deployment status |
public_repo | Access public repositories |
admin:org | Full control of orgs and teams |
write:org | Read and write org and team membership |
read:org | Read org and team membership |
admin:public_key | Full control of user public keys |
write:public_key | Write user public keys |
read:public_key | Read user public keys |
admin:repo_hook | Full control of repository hooks |
write:repo_hook | Write repository hooks |
read:repo_hook | Read repository hooks |
admin:org_hook | Full control of organization hooks |
gist | Create gists |
notifications | Access notifications |
user | Update all user data |
read:user | Read all user profile data |
user:email | Access user email addresses (read-only) |
user:follow | Follow and unfollow users |
delete_repo | Delete repositories |
admin:gpg_key | Full control of user gpg keys (Developer Preview) |
write:gpg_key | Write user gpg keys |
read:gpg_key | Read user gpg keys |
Execute will launch a new activity with webview and user token will be stored in shared preference
shared preference name : github_prefs
String in preference : oauth_token
// Sample to read logged in user oauth token
public static final String PREFERENCE = "github_prefs";
sharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCE, 0);
String oauthToken = sharedPreferences.getString("oauth_token", null);
Log.d(TAG, "oauth token for github loged in user is :" + oauthToken);
if you found any bug you can create issue or want to contribute feel free to PR.
For new programmer's -> do not hesitate, please send PR we both will learn something new. :)