The app depends on PyWPS and several other libraries that are listed in
. It is advisable to run it using a python virtualenv to prevent package instalation problems:
$ virtualenv -p python3 pywps_flask_env $ cd pywps_flask_dir $ . bin/activate $ git clone $ cd pywps-flask $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If python virtualenv is not an option:
$ git clone $ cd pywps-flask $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
For Debian based systems you will need to install GDAL with:
$ sudo apt-get install python3-gdal
When using only using requirement.txt, the pywps-flask will run for the directory that was pulled from github, for a system wise installation is it advisable to use
$ git clone $ cd pywps-flask $ python3 install
Simply run the python file:
$ python3 -a
The flag -a will bind to the ip range and is normally the safest option access to pypwps-flask
The -d option will run pywps-flask as daemon and to stop it is necessary to determine the PID and kill it, one trick is to use fuser to determine PID, and then use it to kill the process:
$ fuser tcp/5000 $ kill -15 <PID RETURNED PREVIOUSLY>
The docker folder contains 2 subfolders, each subfolder contains a differente pywps implementation.
Folder flask
has the default pywps-flask implementation using only Flask while folder nginx
implements pywps using Nginx and Green unicorn as WSGI server. While folder ubuntu
has the same images but using phusion image (ubuntu 18.04)
Basic pywps image is based on Alpine 3.8 and will run the native Flask service, this is not apropriate for production. The docker file can be found in: docker/alpine/flask/Dockerfile
To build the image (inside the folder with the Dockerfile):
$ docker build -t pywps/flask-alpine .
And to run it:
$ docker run -p 5000:5000 pywps/flask-alpine:latest
Pywps will be available in the following URL:
$ http://localhost:5000
This image implements the previous flask-alpine image
(you need to build it first, or it will be automatically pulled from dockerhub) but wrapping flask in a WSGI server (gunicorn) where each worker runs a an app. This image allows for the following environment variables:
- GU_WORKERS - Numer or workers. Gunicorn uses a set of workers to run pywps (normally
workers = (2 * cpu) + 1
). (default: 5)- GU_PORT - Port running Gunicorn (default:8081)
Gunicorn-Alpine is locate in folder docker/alpine/gunicorn/Dockerfile
This image can already be implemented in production but it is advisable to use Nginx for HTTP load balance and Gunicorn as WSGI server (see below)
To build the image (inside the folder with the Dockerfile):
$ docker build -t pywps/gunicorn-alpine:latest .
And to run it:
$ docker run -p 8081:8081 -it pywps/gunicorn-alpine:latest
$ docker run -e GU_WORKERS=10 -e GU_PORT=8082 -p 8082:8082 -it pywps/gunicorn-alpine:latest
Pywps will be available at the following URL:
$ http://localhost:8082
This is the complete stack intented for production, to have a stack we require to use docker-compose
to build two images: pywps/gunicorn-alpine:latest
and pywps/nginx-alpine:latest
Those images will be pulled from dockerhub, but they can compiled locally by building Flask-Alpine, Gunicron-Alpine and Nginx-Alpine, in this case only showing for nginx:
$ cd docker/alpine/nginx/Dockerfile $ docker build -t pywps/nginx-alpine:latest .
Then the stack can be started using docker compose:
$ docker-compose up
In this case pywps (only the WPS) will be avalable on:
The same as Flask-Ubuntu
but using phusion image (ubuntu 18.04):
$ cd docker/ubuntu/flask $ docker build -t pywps/flask-ubuntu:latest .
And to run it:
$ docker run -p 5000:5000 pywps/flask-ubuntu
This image is based on Flask-Ubuntu
and will require it (either build locally or pull from dockerhub). This image has Nginx and Gunicorn totally integrated as services in a docker image:
$ cd docker/ubuntu/nginx $ docker build -t pywps/nginx-ubuntu .
And to run it:
$ docker run -p 80:80 pywps/nginx-ubuntu
It is possible to set the number of Gunicorn workers:
- GU_WORKERS - Numer or workers. (default: 5)
$ docker run -e GU_WORKERS=10 -p 80:80 pywps/nginx-ubuntu
Named volumes allow for container content to be available in the host system. The most important folders in pywps containers are:
- /pywps-flask/logs
- /pywps-flask/outputs
- /pywps-flask/processes
And file: * /pywps-flask/pywps.cfg
Named volumes need to be created prior to docker run
$ docker volume create pywps_logs $ docker volume create pywps_outputs $ docker volume create pywps_processes
To check the path on the host to volume and other information:
$ docker volume ls pywps_processes
To run a docker will all the volumes available in the host:
$ docker run -p 5000:5000 -v pywps_logs:/pywps-flask/pywps_logs \ -v pywps_outputs:/pywps-flask/pywps_outputs \ -v pywps_processes:/pywps-flask/pywps_processes \ -v pywps_cfg:/pywps-flask/pywps.cfg pywps/flask-alpine:latest