GeoScript Groovy is the Groovy implementation of GeoScript. GeoScript is a geospatial scripting API for the JVM that contains one API and four implementations (Python, JavaScript, Scala, and Groovy).
GeoScript is built on the shoulders of giants and essentially wraps the Java Topology Suite and the GeoTools libraries.
GeoScript provides several modules that includes geometry, projection, features, layers, workspaces, styling and rendering.
Building GeoScript Groovy is quite easy. You will need to have git, Java, Maven, and Ant installed.
Use git to clone the repository:
git clone git://
Use maven to build, test, and package:
mvn clean install
The distribution can be found in target/geoscript-groovy-${version}-app/geoscript-groovy-${version}.
To use GeoScript Groovy you need Java and Groovy installed and on your PATH. Next, download the latest stable release , the latest in development build, or build the code yourself. Then put the GeoScript Groovy bin directory on your PATH. You are now ready to use GeoScript Groovy!
GeoScript Groovy has three commands:
- geoscript-groovy (which can run Groovy files)
- geoscript-groovysh (which starts a REPL shell)
- geoscript-groovyConsole (which starts a graphical editor/mini IDE)
Buffering a Point:
import geoscript.geom.Point def point = new Point(0,0) def poly = point.buffer(10) println(poly.wkt)
Project a Geomemtry:
import geoscript.geom.Point import geoscript.proj.Projection def p1 = new Point(-111.0, 45.7) def p2 = Projection.transform(p1, "EPSG:4326", "EPSG:26912")
Read a Shapefile:
import geoscript.layer.Shapefile import geoscript.geom.Bounds def shp = new Shapefile("states.shp") int count = shp.count Bounds bounds = shp.bounds shp.features.each {f-> println(f) }
Drawing a Shapefile:
import geoscript.layer.Shapefile import import static geoscript.render.Draw.draw def shp = new Shapefile("states.shp") = new Stroke("#999999", 0.1) draw(shp)
Reading a Raster:
import geoscript.layer.GeoTIFF def format = new GeoTIFF(new File("raster.tif")) def raster = println "Format = ${raster.format}" println "Proj EPSG = ${}" println "Proj WKT = ${raster.proj.wkt}" println "Bounds = ${raster.bounds.geometry.wkt}" println "Size = ${raster.size}" println "Block Size = ${raster.blockSize}" println "Pixel Size = ${raster.pixelSize}" println "Band:" raster.bands.eachWithIndex{b,i -> println " ${i}). ${b}" }
Generating tiles:
import geoscript.layer.* import* Shapefile shp = new Shapefile(new File("states.shp")) = new Fill("wheat") + new Stroke("navy", 0.1) File file = new File("states.gpkg") GeoPackage gpkg = new GeoPackage(file, "states", Pyramid.createGlobalMercatorPyramid(origin: Pyramid.Origin.TOP_LEFT)) TileRenderer renderer = new ImageTileRenderer(gpkg, shp) TileGenerator generator = new TileGenerator(verbose: true) generator.generate(gpkg, renderer, 0, 4)
See the web site, the groovy docs or the cook book or the examples directory for more examples.
You can also use GeoScript Groovy as a library. If you use Maven you will need to add the OSGeo Maven Repository:
<repository> <id>osgeo-releases</id> <name>OSGeo Nexus Release Repository</name> <url></url> <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> </snapshots> <releases> <enabled>true</enabled> </releases> </repository>
and then include the GeoScript Groovy dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>org.geoscript</groupId> <artifactId>geoscript-groovy</artifactId> <version>1.22.0</version> </dependency>
If you want to give GeoScript Groovy a spin with Docker use the following image:
To run the image use:
docker image build -t jarederickson/geoscript-groovy:latest .
To build the image locally:
docker run -it --rm --name geoscript-groovy jarederickson/geoscript-groovy:latest
GeoScript | GeoTools | GeoServer | JTS | Groovy |
1.22 | 30 | 2.24 | 1.19.0 | 4.0.15 |
1.21 | 29 | 2.23 | 1.19.0 | 4.0.13 |
1.20 | 28 | 2.22 | 1.19.0 | 3.0.13 |
1.19 | 27 | 2.21 | 1.18.2 | 3.0.11 |
1.18 | 26 | 2.20 | 1.18.2 | 3.0.9 |
1.17 | 25 | 2.19 | 1.18.1 | 3.0.7 |
1.16 | 24 | 2.18 | 1.17.1 | 3.0.5 |
1.15 | 23 | 2.17 | 1.16.1 | 3.0.3 |
1.14 | 22 | 2.16 | 1.16.1 | 2.5.8 |
1.13 | 21 | 2.15 | 1.16.0 | 2.5.6 |
1.12 | 20 | 2.14 | 1.16.0 | 2.4.15 |
1.11 | 19 | 2.13 | 1.14 | 2.4.14 |
1.10 | 18 | 2.12 | 1.13 | 2.4.12 |
1.9 | 17 | 2.11 | 1.13 | 2.4.10 |
1.8 | 16 | 2.10 | 1.13 | 2.4.7 |
1.7 | 15 | 2.9 | 1.13 | 2.4.6 |
1.6 | 14 | 2.8 | 1.13 | 2.4.5 |
1.5 | 13 | 2.7 | 1.13 | 2.3.10 |
1.4 | 12 | 2.6 | 1.13 | 2.2.2 |
1.3 | 11 | 2.5 | 1.13 | 2.1.9 |
1.2 | 10 | 2.4 | 1.13 | 2.1.6 |
1.1 | 9 | 2.3 | 1.13 | 1.8.9 |
1.0 | 8 | 2.2 | 1.12 | 1.8.8 |
geoc: A geospatial command line application
geo-shell: An interactive geospatial shell
mbtiles server: Restful web services for mbtiles
geopackage server: Restful web services for geopackage
geoscript groovy jupyter kernel
GeoScript: The GeoSpatial Swiss Army Knife (FOSS4G 2014)
Using GeoScript Groovy (CUGOS 2014)
Rendering Maps in GeoScript (CUGOS 2012)
Scripting GeoServer (CUGOS 2012)
GeoScript: Spatial Capabilities for Scripting Languages (FOSS4G 2011)
GeoScript Groovy is open source and licensed under the MIT license.