Cadet is the web application powering Source Academy.
- Elixir 1.8
- Erlang/OTP 21
- PostgreSQL (>= 9.6)
- Setup the development secrets (replace the values appropriately)
$ cp config/secrets.exs.example config/secrets.exs
$ vim config/secrets.exs
- A valid
are required for the application to properly authenticate with LumiNUS. - A valid
is required for the application to run with the--updater
flag. Otherwise, the default values will suffice.
- Install Elixir dependencies
$ mix deps.get
- Initialise development database
$ mix ecto.setup
- Run the server in your local machine
$ mix phx.server
- You may now make API calls to the server locally via
. The API documentation can also be accessed at http://localhost:4000/swagger.
You can obtain access_token
JWT of a user with a given role by simply running:
$ mix cadet.token <role>
For more information, run
$ mix help cadet.token
We recommend setting up nginx to handle preflight checks using the following config file.
If you do this, do remember to point cadet-frontend to port 4001
instead of 4000
We follow this style guide: and
Where there is a conflict between the two, the first one (lexmag) shall be the one followed.
Last generated on 1 January 2019