Learn to use Storm!
Table of Contents
First, you need java
and git
installed and in your user's PATH
. Also, two of the examples in storm-starter
require Python and Ruby.
Next, make sure you have the storm-starter code available on your machine. Git/GitHub beginners may want to use the following command to download the latest storm-starter code and change to the new directory that contains the downloaded code.
$ git clone git://github.com/nathanmarz/storm-starter.git && cd storm-starter
storm-starter contains a variety of examples of using Storm. If this is your first time working with Storm, check out these topologies first:
- ExclamationTopology: Basic topology written in all Java
- WordCountTopology: Basic topology that makes use of multilang by implementing one bolt in Python
- ReachTopology: Example of complex DRPC on top of Storm
After you have familiarized yourself with these topologies, take a look at the other topopologies in src/jvm/storm/starter/ such as RollingTopWords for more advanced implementations.
If you want to learn more about how Storm works, please head over to the Storm project page.
The storm-starter build uses Leiningen 2.0. Install Leiningen by following the leiningen installation instructions.
$ lein deps
$ lein compile
$ java -cp $(lein classpath) storm.starter.ExclamationTopology
$ lein deps
$ lein compile
$ lein run -m storm.starter.clj.word-count
Maven is an alternative to Leiningen. Install Maven (preferably version 3.x) by following the Maven installation instructions.
storm-starter contains m2-pom.xml which can be used with Maven using the -f
option. For example, to
compile and run WordCountTopology
in local mode, use the command:
$ mvn -f m2-pom.xml compile exec:java -Dexec.classpathScope=compile -Dexec.mainClass=storm.starter.WordCountTopology
You can package a jar suitable for submitting to a Storm cluster with the command:
$ mvn -f m2-pom.xml package
This will package your code and all the non-Storm dependencies into a single "uberjar" at the path
Use the following Maven command to run the unit tests that ship with storm-starter. Unfortunately lein test
does not
yet run the included unit tests.
$ mvn -f m2-pom.xml test