This project takes Chrome's Verified Boot (Vboot) process and examines its various security properties using formal logic. This verification is done with a focus on the firmware/hardware boundary.
The Vboot process depends on the correct functionality of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and a SHA accelerator. Because these hardware accelerators are interacted with through Memory Mapped I/O (MMIO), it is difficult for normal formal methods to capture the interface between the MMIO registers and the workings of the Hardware modules.
To explore this boundary I am using a Software TPM Library and passing it through to the QEMU Hardware Emulator. This allows me to use the normal MMIO registers of a TPM with the original Vboot Library.
My project needs numerous other github projects, and I would like to thank others for their help. Here are the projects that will be installed
The packages I use have only been verified on Fedora 23. For easy access I have been using Vagrant with VirtualBox for easy installation and compartmentalization.
Please place the Vagrantfile
file in a directory of your choosing, run
vagrant up
and vagrant ssh
in the terminal.
Now that you are within the fedora image, you can run the following to install
yum install -y git
git clone
Now that the installation is done, exit out of the ssh shell. Please restart the vagrant box using the following commands (The restart needs to happen to make sure you are running on the latest kernel with the correct kernel headers)
vagrant halt
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Now that you are back in the Vagrant box, you can continue with the rest of the installation.
That command just downloaded and compiled the necessary programs, and everything is ready to go!
This section describes an outline of each folder. There are more readme documents in necessary folders.
This folder contains all of the installation scripts, as well as scripts to generate a Vboot Firmware Image and manipulate the TPM.
This folder contains a directory for the QEMU emulation. There is a scaffolding framework that calls functions in the larger Vboot library, which is stored as an archive in this directory. This is where tests on the TPM are done.
Most of my QEMU code, including the structure for the Makefile, the linker, and the VGA firmware was taken from my other project PIOUS which I have used to practice Operating System Development.
This folder contains the ILA abstraction that I am working on for the Hardware/Firmware interface of the TPM and SHA modules.