composer require ginger-tek/routy
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use GingerTek\Routy;
$app = new Routy();
Handlers for each route can be any kind of callable, such as regular functions, arrow functions, closure variables, or static class methods.
$app = new Routy();
// Standard Function
$app->get('/things', function (Routy $app) {
// Arrow Function
$app->get('/', fn (Routy $app) => $app->sendData('Hello!'););
// Closure
$handler = function (Routy $app) {
$app->get('/closure', $handler);
// Static Class Method
class ProductsController {
static function getAll($app) {
$app->get('/products', \ProductsController::getAll(...));
You can pass an associative array of optional configurations to the constructor.
to set a global base URI when running from a sub-directorylayout
to set a default layout template file to use in therender()
reponse method
$app = new Routy([
'base' => '/api',
'layout' => 'path/to/layout.php'
Use the method wrappers for routing GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE method requests. There is also a catch-all wrapper for matching on all standard HTTP methods, including HEAD and OPTIONS.
$app->get('/products', ...); // HTTP GET
$app->post('/products/:id', ...); // HTTP POST
$app->put('/products', ...); // HTTP PUT
$app->patch('/products/:id', ...); // HTTP PATCH
$app->delete('/products/:id', ...); // HTTP DELETE
$app->any('/products/:id', ...); // HTTP GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, and OPTIONS
Use *
for the route argument to match on any route.
$app->get('*', ...); // HTTP GET for all routes
$app->any('*', ...); // Any standard HTTP method for all routes
You can also use the route()
method directly, which is what the common wrappers use underneath, to craft more specific route conditions on which to match.
$app->route('GET|POST', '/form', ...); // HTTP GET and POST for the /form route
$app->route('GET|POST|PUT', '/products', ...); // HTTP GET, POST and PUT for the /products route
To define dynamic route parameters, use the :param
syntax and access them via the params
object on the $app
$app->get('/products/:id', function(Routy $app) {
$id = $app->params->id;
// ...
All arguments set after the URI string argument are considered middleware functions, including the route handler, so you can define as many as needed.
Use the native $_REQUEST
globals to share data between middleware/handlers.
function authenticate(Routy $app) {
if(!($token = @$app->getHeaders()['authorization']))
$_REQUEST['user'] = parseToken($token);
$app->get('/products', authenticate(...), function (Routy $app) {
$userId = $_REQUEST['user']->id;
$items = getProductsByUser($userId);
You can define route groups using the group()
$app = new Routy();
$app->group('/products', function (Routy $app) {
$app->post('/', ...);
$app->get('/', ...);
$app->get('/:id', ...);
$app->patch('/:id', ...);
You can also add middleware to your nested routes
$app->group('/products', authenticate(...), function (Routy $app) {
$app->get('/', ...);
Fallbacks are used for returning custom 404 responses, or to perform other logic before returning.
To set a fallback route, use the notFound()
method to set a handler function that will have the HTTP 404 response header already set.
Fallback routes are scoped to wherever they are defined, and will only be reached if they match the incoming URI's parent path.
$app = new Routy();
$app->group('/products', function (Routy $app) {
$app->get('/', fn (Routy $app) => $app->sendJson([]));
// GET /products/asdf will end up here
$app->notFound(function (Routy $app) { ... });
// GET /asdf will end up here
$app->notFound(function (Routy $app) { ... });
To serve static files from the base URI for a SPA frontend directly from the same app, use the serveStatic()
method after all the other route definitions.
This function is typically performed by your actual web server (Apache/nginx/caddy), so use with caution in production scenarios. Since this function enables your app to handle file serving, your application must run as a router for files to be served properly, i.e. php -S localhost:8000 router.php
$app = new Routy();
$app->group('/api', ApiController::index(...));
If the requested file isn't found, the path + index.html
will be served instead. If there's no index.html
file, the failing path will be returned.
## Request Properties
You can access the incoming HTTP method and URI via the `uri`, `method`, and `params`, and `query` properties on the `$app` instance.
$app->get('/', function (Routy $app) {
There are few helper methods for handling incoming request payloads.
Use to retrieve the incoming payload data. JSON data will automatically be decoded, and form URL encoded data will be accessible as a standard object.
$app->get('/products', function (Routy $app) {
$body = $app->getBody();
// { "someProperty": "asdf" }
$body->username; // From: <input name="username">
Use to retrieve the incoming HTTP headers in an associative array, each header key is auto-lowercased for standardization.
$app->get('/products', function (Routy $app) {
$headers = $app->getHeaders();
$headers->authorization; // Bearer eyhdgs9d8fg9s7d87f...
Use to retrieve uploaded files from multipart/form-data requests. Returns an object array for multi-file uploads. To return the first object for single-file uploads, set the second parameter to true
<form method="POST" action="/upload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="multi[]" multiple required>
<input type="file" name="single" required>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
$app->post('/upload', function (Routy $app) {
$multipleFiles = $app->getFiles('multi'); // object array
$singleFile = $app->getFiles('single', true); // object
There are plenty of helper methods for handling responses.
Use to return data as a JSON string
$app->sendJson(['prop' => 'value']); // { "prop": "value" }
$app->sendJson([1, 2, ['three' => 4], 5]); // [1, 2, { "three: 4 }, 5]
Use to return string data or a file's raw contents
$app->sendData('<h1>Raw HTML</h1>');
Use to send a temporary or permanent redirect to a new URL
$app->redirect('/go/here'); // HTTP 302
$app->redirect('/new/permanent/location', true); // HTTP 301
Use to render a PHP view file, using standard PHP includes and variable scope extraction for MCV modeling
You can set a default layout via the constructor config to use
$app = new Routy(['layout' => 'path/to/layout.php']);
You can also override the default by settings the layout
option to another path
$app = new Routy(['layout' => 'path/to/layout1.php']);
$app->render('path/to/view.php', ['layout' => 'path/to/layout2.php']);
Or you can use no layout by setting the layout
option to false
$app = new Routy(['layout' => 'path/to/layout.php']);
$app->render('path/to/view.php', ['layout' => false]);
You may also not specify a layout at all, and just render files as is
$app = new Routy();
Finally, set the model
option to pass in a data model to expose to the template context in your view files. The current app instance is also exposed to the template context automatically
$app->render('path/to/view.php', [
'model' => [
'someProperty' => 'some data'
// view.php
<div><?= $model['someProperty'] ?></div>
<?php if ($app->uri == '/some-route'): ?>
<?php endif ?>
Use to set the HTTP status code. This can be used for method chaining to other response methods
$app->post('/products', function (Routy $app) {
$app->status(400)->sendJson(['error' => 'Bad payload']);
// or
$app->status(201)->sendData('Successfully created!');
Use to return immediately with an optional HTTP status code
$app->end(); // Success
$app->end(401); // Unauthorized
$app->end(404); // Not Found