A very simple KITTI odometry dataset's images and velodyne points publisher
$ python mini_kitti_publisher.py --dir "...your kitti dataset base directory../sequences/XX"
We note that the directory should form like
| your kitti dataset base dir
|-- sequences
|-- 00
|-- image_0
|-- 000000.png
|-- 000001.png
|-- ...
|-- image_1
|-- 000000.png
|-- 000001.png
|-- ...
|-- image_2
|-- 000000.png
|-- 000001.png
|-- ...
|-- image_3
|-- 000000.png
|-- 000001.png
|-- ...
|-- velodyne
|-- 000000.bin
|-- 000001.bin
|-- ...
|-- 01
|-- ...
- Use
ctrl + \
at the terminal.
If you use my pre-tuned-visualization config file, it is easy to show how the data flow. For example,
$ rviz -d rviz_setting.rviz
and other terminal
$ rqt --perspective-file rqt_setting.perspective