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Snowman - A static site generator for SPARQL backends.

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Snowman is designed to allow RDF-based projects to use SPARQL in the user-facing parts of their stack, even at scale. Snowman powers projects rendering simple SKOS vocabularies as well as projects rendering entire knowledge bases. Snowman's templating system comes with RDF- and SPARQL-tailored functions, and features and takes its data from SPARQL queries.


Download the latest release for your OS/architecture.

If your OS/architecture combination is not available, you will need to build Snowman from source:

git clone
cd snowman
go build -o snowman


Running snowman new --directory="my-project-name" will scaffold a new project utilising the most common Snowman features.

To go from there checkout the Snowman Manual or the examples directory.


Snowman is written in Go. To build Snowman from source, you need to have Go installed. Clone the repository and build the binary:

git clone
cd snowman
go build -o snowman

To run the tests, use the foollowing command:

go test ./...

To make a release, see

Building the documentation

The documentation is built using mdBook. To build the documentation, run the following command:

cd docs && mdbook serve


Copyright (c) 2020- Albin Larsson & contributors. Snowman is made available under the GNU Lesser General Public License.