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RepRapFirmware 3.4 Port for STM32F4 (v3.4.0_1)

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@gloomyandy gloomyandy released this 27 Mar 13:28
· 0 commits to v3.3-dev since this release

Release Information

This is a port of RRF 3.4 for STM32F4 based processors (for a list of supported boards please see the Wiki
For details of the build system used for this release please see: The source code for this release is tagged with v3.4.0_1

Whats New

  • For details of what is new in 3.4 please see here
  • For details of changes for LPC/STM versions see here

NOTE 1: From V3.3beta1 onwards the STM32F4 version of RRF will not boot on hardware that is not recognised. If after installing this version your board does not appear to start please connect a USB terminal and check for error messages. If your board is not recognised please contact TeamGloomy so that we may add the board data.

NOTE 2: Due to memory limitations this version of RepRapFirmware is not supported on LPC based boards. Please use V3.3.0 on these devices,

Upgrade Information

New Plugin

There is now a new plugin (releaseMgr) which will help you check for updates. You can also view the release notes and be warned of any config changes required. You can find it here

WiFi Users

As well as updating the firmware, you need to update the following:

SBC Users

Please follow the instructions from here

Issues and Support

Please report problems/ask questions using our Discord server (see the Wiki for details).

This firmware comes with no warranty (implied or otherwise) - use at your own risk