A Winston @3.x transport for Mattermost.
npm install winston-transport-mattermost
const winston = require('winston')
const MattermostTransport = require('winston-transport-mattermost')
const logger = winston.createLogger({
transports: [
new MattermostTransport({
level: 'error',
webhook_url: 'https://your.mattermost.com/hooks/334ktjodu7gq5yq7afj3w',
username: 'logger name',
icon_url: 'https://example.com/icon.png'
logger.error('Something happened!')
- webhook_url: (Required) Mattermost Incoming Webhook URL.
- username: (Default Winston) Who sends the message.
- icon_url: (Default Adorable avatars) Public image URL for user avatar.
The other mattermost transport packages have too many dependencies and are not compatible with Winston @3.X, and don't allow to customize the name or avatar of the message.