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"VM call panic: unexpected object with id" when re-adding the same key to an avl.Tree after previously deleting it #1543

irreverentsimplicity opened this issue Jan 17, 2024 · 13 comments
🐞 bug Something isn't working 📦 🤖 gnovm Issues or PRs gnovm related


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Here's my use case. I have a listings object, which is an avl.Tree: CompositeTokenID -> Listing.
CompositeTokenID is a string, Listing is a struct:

type Listing struct {
    CompositeTokenID grc721.TokenID   // TokenID of the composite NFT
    BasicTokenIDs    []int64 // Slice of TokenIDs for the basic NFTs contained within the composite NFT
    Seller           std.Address      // Address of the seller
    Price            uint64           // Sale price

adding a listing (partial code):

newListing := Listing{
        CompositeTokenID: compositeTokenID,
        BasicTokenIDs:    basicTokenIDs,
        Seller:           seller,
        Price:            price,

    // Add the new listing to the marketplace
    m.listings.Set(string(compositeTokenID), newListing)

removing a listing:


When adding the same listing again, using the same code, I get the error message:

VM call panic: unexpected object with id 1b4fe769c2b0acba527e54f1eca22a38499de5b4:572

is there a caching mechanism in avl.Tree? keys cannot be re-used?

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deelawn commented Jan 17, 2024

Hey @irreverentsimplicity. Maybe it is possible the object isn't getting removed correctly. Would it be possible to provide more context and send over something like the script below? I ran this locally and wasn't able to reproduce. I'm just trying to figure out the gno code and maketx combination that I need to do to observe the issue for myself.

## start a new node
gnoland start

gnokey maketx addpkg -pkgdir $WORK -pkgpath -gas-fee 1000000ugnot -gas-wanted 2000000 -broadcast -chainid=tendermint_test test1

gnokey maketx call -pkgpath -func AddListing -args "hello" -gas-fee 1000000ugnot -gas-wanted 2000000 -broadcast -chainid=tendermint_test test1
gnokey maketx call -pkgpath -func RemoveListing -args "hello" -gas-fee 1000000ugnot -gas-wanted 2000000 -broadcast -chainid=tendermint_test test1
gnokey maketx call -pkgpath -func AddListing -args "hello" -gas-fee 1000000ugnot -gas-wanted 2000000 -broadcast -chainid=tendermint_test test1

-- bar.gno --
package bar

import ""

var listings = avl.NewTree()

type Listing struct {
	id string

func AddListing(id string) {
	listings.Set(id, Listing{id: id})

func RemoveListing(id string) {

func Render(path string) string {
 	return "hello from foo"

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thehowl commented Jan 26, 2024

@irreverentsimplicity I've already had an issue with the same error (not necessarily the same cause ;) ) and it caused tremendous headaches when developing GnoChess. Does this help? gnoverse/gnochess#97

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irreverentsimplicity commented Jan 27, 2024

@thehowl thanks, it definitely helps, it is actually to the same scenario, although with slightly different objects.

As far as I understand, you had to reinstantiate an object (the chess board) before re-adding the same key.

I'm not sure this approach can be used in my case, though. The avl.Tree I'm using holds listing ids for the marketplace. Re-instantiating the whole avl.Tree basically wipes all the data (or at least that's how I understand by re-instantiation, I might be wrong). I'll dig more over the next few days, and if I can't find a way, I may resort to using a map to hold listings (although a bit more verbose and slightly slower).

Somehow related to this: I remember you mentioned you're working on a new type of data structure in a dev call, one that also allowed pagination. I don't know what the status of this new data structure is (merged or not) but if you can give me some pointers to it, I might try to use that instead (pagination very useful in listing potentially huge amounts of NFTs and marketplace listings).


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thehowl commented Jan 29, 2024

For tracking references & searchability: there is a reproducible test on #1172 . The PR contains a lot of extra commits (coming from the patch/gnochess branch); the test itself is here:

@irreverentsimplicity The issue is not about re-using the avl tree per se. Take a look at the txtar test, it doesn't use an AVL tree at all.

I'd need to take a better look at the entire code to be certain of how to work it around. If you still don't manage to do it, ping me on Signal.

Let's keep this issue open to track the problem officially, I believe I hadn't opened it originally because I didn't have time when developing GnoChess to make a proper report... :)

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deelawn commented Jan 29, 2024

@thehowl I just ran that test and it is passing for me, so maybe some of the fixes we've made to the VM have resolved the underlying issue.

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I can still reproduce this on my machine. Here is the stack trace when sending the tx from command line:

gnokey maketx call -broadcast -pkgpath -gas-wanted 10000000 -gas-fee 1000000ugnot -func ListMarketplaceNFT -args 1 -args g1ewad87z8sxxejhsuasg0s5ffdl2s3x0fyca0t8 -args 2 test
Enter password.
--= Error =--
Data: unexpected object with id 1b4fe769c2b0acba527e54f1eca22a38499de5b4:522
Msg Traces:
    0  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/crypto/keys/client/addpkg.go:214 - deliver transaction failed: log:msg:0,success:false,log:--= Error =--
Data: &errors.errorString{s:"unexpected object with id 1b4fe769c2b0acba527e54f1eca22a38499de5b4:522"}
Msg Traces:
    0  /Users/dragosroua/gno/ - VM call panic: unexpected object with id 1b4fe769c2b0acba527e54f1eca22a38499de5b4:522
    CheckTypes: false
        Op: [OpHalt OpBody OpReturn OpBody OpDefine OpBody OpDefine OpBody]
        Values: (len: 4)
          #3 (<*>.Get(tree *,key string)(value interface{},exists bool) func(key string)(value interface{},exists bool))
          #2 (GetChildrenOf func(tokenID string)( []int64))
          #1 (<*>.ListNFT(m *,compositeTokenID,seller std.Address,price uint64)( .uverse.error) func(compositeTokenID,seller std.Address,price uint64)( .uverse.error))
          #0 (ListMarketplaceNFT func(compositeTokenID string,seller std.Address,price uint64)( .uverse.error))

          #3 bodyStmt[0/0/1]=return
          #2 bodyStmt[0/0/1]=if exists<VPBlock(2,3)> { return [](const-type int64)(childrenOf<VPBlock(2,2)>) }*
          #1 bodyStmt[0/0/1]=newListing<VPBlock(1,6)> := Listing<VPBlock(3,3)>{CompositeTokenID<VPField(0,0,CompositeTokenID)>: compositeTokenID<VPBlock(1,1)>, BasicTokenIDs<VPField(0,1,BasicTokenIDs)>: basicTokenIDs<VPBlock(1,5)>, Seller<VPField(0,2,Seller)>: seller<VPBlock(1,2)>, Price<VPField(0,3,Price)>: price<VPBlock(1,3)>}*
          #0 bodyStmt[0/0/1]=(end)
          @(1) Block(ID:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0,Addr:0x14007709860,Source:func (tree *(Tree<VPBlock(2,2)>)...,Parent:0x14007709680)
            tree: (&(struct{(&(struct{("1" string),(slice[ref(1b4fe769c2b0acba527e54f1eca22a38499de5b4:522)] []int64),(0 int8),(1 int),(nil *,(nil *} *} *
            key: ("1" string)
            value: (slice[ref(1b4fe769c2b0acba527e54f1eca22a38499de5b4:522)] []int64)
            exists: (true bool)
 (s vals) @(1) Block(ID:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0,Addr:0x14001967820,Source:func (tree *(Tree<VPBlock(2,2)>)...,Parent:0x1400029e620)
            tree: (nil *
            key: ( string)
            value: (undefined)
            exists: (false bool)
 (s typs) @(1) [* string interface{} bool]
          @(2) Block(ID:26a90809de387e567a70972c32a4cc9e8d44e55f:4,Addr:0x14007709680,Source:ref(,Parent:%!!(MISSING)!(MISSING)p(gnolang.RefValue={{{[38 169 8 9 222 56 126 86 122 112 151 44 50 164 204 158 141 68 229 95]} 2} true  {[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]}}))
            (RefNode names not shown)
 (s vals) @(2) Block(ID:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0,Addr:0x1400029e620,Source:file{ package avl; type IterCbFn...,Parent:0x1400029e920)
 (s typs) @(2) []
            (block ref 26a90809de387e567a70972c32a4cc9e8d44e55f:2)
        Blocks (other):
          #3 Block(ID:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0,Addr:0x140077090e0,Source:func GetChildrenOf(tokenID (cons...,Parent:0x14007e4ab40)
            tokenID: ("1" string)
            .res_0: (nil []int64)
            childrenOf: (undefined)
            exists: (undefined)
 (static) #3 Block(ID:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0,Addr:0x1400d74a420,Source:func GetChildrenOf(tokenID (cons...,Parent:0x1400cf9b820)
            tokenID: ( string)
            .res_0: (nil []int64)
            childrenOf: (undefined)
            exists: (false bool)
          #2 Block(ID:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0,Addr:0x14007708f00,Source:func (m *(Marketplace<VPBlock(2,...,Parent:0x14007e4b2c0)
            m: (&(ref(1b4fe769c2b0acba527e54f1eca22a38499de5b4:32) *
            compositeTokenID: ("1"
            seller: ("g1ewad87z8sxxejhsuasg0s5ffdl2s3x0fyca0t8" std.Address)
            price: (2 uint64)
            .res_0: (undefined)
            basicTokenIDs: (undefined)
            newListing: (undefined)
 (static) #2 Block(ID:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0,Addr:0x14006840c20,Source:func (m *(Marketplace<VPBlock(2,...,Parent:0x14002c96320)
            m: (nil *
            compositeTokenID: (
            seller: ( std.Address)
            price: (0 uint64)
            .res_0: (undefined)
            basicTokenIDs: (nil []int64)
            newListing: (nil
          #1 Block(ID:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0,Addr:0x140077083c0,Source:func ListMarketplaceNFT(composit...,Parent:0x14007e4af00)
            compositeTokenID: ("1" string)
            seller: ("g1ewad87z8sxxejhsuasg0s5ffdl2s3x0fyca0t8" std.Address)
            price: (2 uint64)
            .res_0: (undefined)
 (static) #1 Block(ID:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0,Addr:0x14005233c20,Source:func ListMarketplaceNFT(composit...,Parent:0x1400db18c20)
            compositeTokenID: ( string)
            seller: ( std.Address)
            price: (0 uint64)
            .res_0: (undefined)
          #3 [FRAME FUNC:Get RECV:(&(struct{(&(struct{("1" string),(slice[ref(1b4fe769c2b0acba527e54f1eca22a38499de5b4:522)] []int64),(0 int8),(1 int),(nil *,(nil *} *} * (1 args) 7/3/0/3/4 LASTRLM:Realm{Path:"",Time:530}#1B4FE769C2B0ACBA527E54F1ECA22A38499DE5B4]
          #2 [FRAME FUNC:GetChildrenOf RECV:(undefined) (1 args) 5/2/0/2/3 LASTRLM:Realm{Path:"",Time:530}#1B4FE769C2B0ACBA527E54F1ECA22A38499DE5B4]
          #1 [FRAME FUNC:ListNFT RECV:(&(ref(1b4fe769c2b0acba527e54f1eca22a38499de5b4:32) * (3 args) 3/1/0/1/2 LASTRLM:Realm{Path:"",Time:530}#1B4FE769C2B0ACBA527E54F1ECA22A38499DE5B4]
          #0 [FRAME FUNC:ListMarketplaceNFT RECV:(undefined) (3 args) 1/0/0/0/1 LASTPKG:main LASTRLM:Realm(nil)]


Stack Trace:
    0  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/errors/errors.go:20
    1  /Users/dragosroua/gno/
    2  /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:884
    3  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/store.go:250
    4  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/values.go:410
    5  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/ownership.go:343
    6  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/values.go:282
    7  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/op_assign.go:44
    8  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/machine.go:1347
    9  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/machine.go:711
   10  /Users/dragosroua/gno/
   11  /Users/dragosroua/gno/
   12  /Users/dragosroua/gno/
   13  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/sdk/baseapp.go:644
   14  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/sdk/baseapp.go:823
   15  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/sdk/baseapp.go:580
   16  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/abci/client/local_client.go:82
   17  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/proxy/app_conn.go:73
   18  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/state/execution.go:253
   19  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/state/execution.go:102
   20  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/consensus/state.go:1347
   21  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/consensus/state.go:1275
   22  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/consensus/state.go:1221
   23  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/consensus/state.go:1252
   24  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/consensus/state.go:1637
   25  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/consensus/state.go:1483
   26  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/consensus/state.go:691
   27  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/consensus/state.go:650
   28  /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_arm64.s:1172
--= /Error =--
--= /Error =--

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thehowl commented Jan 31, 2024

@irreverentsimplicity Dylan was referring to the txtar test I provided in my comment :)

They are automated integration tests that let us reproduce bugs. If you want to give a shot at creating one for this issue you have, please do. See directory

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leohhhn commented Mar 25, 2024

Hey, I tried this code out and it seems to work. Maybe some PR has fixed it.

Calling Add, Remove, Add, Read works perfectly with reusing the same keys.

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thehowl commented Apr 19, 2024

@irreverentsimplicity we'll need to have a reproducible test for this issue. If you can still reproduce, ping me and I can help you work out a txtar.

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@thehowl I can still reproduce this.

Here is the last part of the error message:

          #3 [FRAME FUNC:Get RECV:(&(struct{(&(struct{("2" string),(undefined),(2 int8),(3 int),(&(struct{("1" string),(slice[ref(1b4fe769c2b0acba527e54f1eca22a38499de5b4:156)] []int64),(0 int8),(1 int),(nil *,(nil *} *,(&(ref(1b4fe769c2b0acba527e54f1eca22a38499de5b4:533) *} *} * (1 args) 7/3/0/3/4 LASTRLM:Realm{Path:"",Time:563}#1B4FE769C2B0ACBA527E54F1ECA22A38499DE5B4]
          #2 [FRAME FUNC:GetChildrenOf RECV:(undefined) (1 args) 5/2/0/2/3 LASTRLM:Realm{Path:"",Time:563}#1B4FE769C2B0ACBA527E54F1ECA22A38499DE5B4]
          #1 [FRAME FUNC:ListNFT RECV:(&(ref(1b4fe769c2b0acba527e54f1eca22a38499de5b4:32) * (3 args) 3/1/0/1/2 LASTRLM:Realm{Path:"",Time:563}#1B4FE769C2B0ACBA527E54F1ECA22A38499DE5B4]
          #0 [FRAME FUNC:ListMarketplaceNFT RECV:(undefined) (3 args) 1/0/0/0/1 LASTPKG:main LASTRLM:Realm(nil)]

Stack Trace:
    0  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/errors/errors.go:20
    1  /Users/dragosroua/gno/
    2  /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:770
    3  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/store.go:254
    4  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/values.go:411
    5  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/ownership.go:343
    6  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/values.go:282
    7  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/op_assign.go:44
    8  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/machine.go:1380
    9  /Users/dragosroua/gno/gnovm/pkg/gnolang/machine.go:734
   10  /Users/dragosroua/gno/
   11  /Users/dragosroua/gno/
   12  /Users/dragosroua/gno/
   13  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/sdk/baseapp.go:650
   14  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/sdk/baseapp.go:829
   15  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/sdk/helpers.go:17
   16  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/sdk/baseapp.go:418
   17  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/sdk/baseapp.go:391
   18  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/abci/client/local_client.go:180
   19  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/appconn/app_conn.go:144
   20  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/rpc/core/abci.go:59
   21  /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:596
   22  /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:380
   23  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/rpc/lib/server/handlers.go:185
   24  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/rpc/lib/server/handlers.go:209
   25  /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2166
   26  /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2683
   27  /Users/dragosroua/go/pkg/mod/
   28  /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2166
   29  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/rpc/lib/server/http_server.go:216
   30  /Users/dragosroua/gno/tm2/pkg/bft/rpc/lib/server/http_server.go:189
   31  /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2166
--= /Error =--
--= /Error =--

I am still not sure if this is a coding error on my part, or some unusual behavior of avl.Tree. Steps to reproduce:

  • clone my branch:

  • restart the local dev chain, preferably with a clean gnoland-data folder & genesis.json

  • clone and run the UI from here:

  • run the UI with npm install, npm run dev

  • create 4 basic NFTs (4 flips)

  • access the UI from a new browser window (this will create a different account)

  • from that account, go to Playground, you should see the 4 basic NFTs created on the first account

  • assemble a new composite NFT (drag & drop the basic NFTs on the canvas) and click Make Art

  • go to My Art, you should see the composite NFT you just created

  • click List (ignore the non responsive UI, the transaction should go through) and pick a price under 4 FLIP

  • switch to the first account, and go to marketplace, you should see the listed NFT by the 2nd account

  • click Buy (ignore the non responsive UI, the transaction should go through)

  • go to My Art, you should see the composite NFT you just bought

  • click List and that should trigger the error

In terms of code, the main function call sequence is:


Any feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you!

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I'm pretty sure this is tracked somewhere else too, so closing it for clarity.

@irreverentsimplicity irreverentsimplicity closed this as not planned Won't fix, can't repro, duplicate, stale Oct 21, 2024
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jefft0 commented Oct 21, 2024

I'm pretty sure this is tracked somewhere else too, so closing it for clarity.

@irreverentsimplicity , is the other issue #2266 ?

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omarsy commented Oct 21, 2024

Yes, I think it's the same issue as #2266. I'm attempting a fix here: #2992. I can reproduce both issues.

zivkovicmilos pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jan 15, 2025
This PR a fix in the gnovm to ensure that objects are saved correctly
when their reference count changes.

closes: #2266 #1543
<!-- please provide a detailed description of the changes made in this
pull request. -->

<details><summary>Contributors' checklist...</summary>

- [ ] Added new tests, or not needed, or not feasible
- [ ] Provided an example (e.g. screenshot) to aid review or the PR is
- [ ] Updated the official documentation or not needed
- [ ] No breaking changes were made, or a `BREAKING CHANGE: xxx` message
was included in the description
- [ ] Added references to related issues and PRs
- [ ] Provided any useful hints for running manual tests
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