Federated FaceBoxes is a Flower-based implementation of "Federated Learning for Face Detection using FaceBoxes on WIDER FACE dataset", taking inspiration from a PyTorch implementation of "Zhang et al., FaceBoxes: A CPU Real-time Face Detector with High Accuracy" and Flower examples.
The original code can be found here.
This repository also contains the materials for Cloud Computing exam project @uniparthenope a.y. 2023/2024 (paper submission, presentation and project implementation).
- R. Esposito
- V. Mele
- A. Mungari
- M. Giordano Orsini (me)
- M. Roscica
- S. Verrilli
All the authors contributed equally to this work.
Check out our work (paper and slides) at paper/
Clone this repository.
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/gomax22/Federated-FaceBoxes.git
cd Federated-FaceBoxes
Optional: Compile the nms (for GPU users)
- Download WIDER FACE dataset (train split)
- Download converted annotations directly from original repository FaceBoxes.Pytorch
- Download the images of AFW, PASCAL Face and FDDB for testing purposes
- Place the dowloaded datasets into the corresponding folder at
N.B. It's mandatory to download at least one of the test datasets in order to test the application.
unzip data/WIDER_FACE/WIDER_train.zip -d data/ && mv data/WIDER_train/images data/WIDER_FACE && rm -rf data/WIDER_train
unzip data/AFW/afw_images.zip -d data/ && mv data/afw_images data/AFW && rm -rf data/afw_images # if downloaded
unzip data/PASCAL/pascal_images.zip -d data/ && mv data/pascal_images data/PASCAL && rm -rf data/pascal_images # if downloaded
unzip data/FDDB/fddb_images.zip -d data/ && mv data/fddb_images data/FDDB && rm -rf data/fddb_images # if downloaded
tar xvf data/WIDER_FACE/annotations.tar.gz -C data/WIDER_FACE/
Install virtualenv
via pip (if not already installed):
pip install virtualenv
Create a virtual environment called faceboxes, activate it and install requirements:
python -m venv faceboxes
source faceboxes/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a conda environment starting from environment.yml
conda env create -f environment.yml
and activate the environment using
conda activate faceboxes
WARNING: in this environment PyTorch has been installed only for CPUs. For installing CUDA-enabled PyTorch, please visit https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/.
Prerequisites: all zipped datasets must be placed into the corresponding folders at data/
Build the server application using the following commands:
docker build -f docker/server/Dockerfile.server -t flwr_client:0.0.3 .
Build the client application using the following commands:
docker build -f docker/client/Dockerfile.client -t flwr_client:0.0.3 .
Before starting to train, datasets should be partitioned and distributed among clients in order to simulate a real-world federated scenario.
To simulate this scenario, launch the following commands:
python split.py --img_list data/WIDER_FACE/img_list.txt --partitions 2 --output data/WIDER_FACE
creates n
partitions starting from the corresponding img_list.txt
file, which we'll be used exclusively by each client.
Train the model starting the server:
python server.py --num_rounds 200 --num_clients 2
Launch python server.py --help
for further information.
and then, start the clients:
python client.py --partition_id 0
python client.py --partition_id 1
Launch python client.py --help
for further information.
Run the server container specifying the server address and the number of rounds (epochs):
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e NUM_ROUNDS=3 -e NUM_CLIENTS=2 -it flwr_server:1.0.0
Launch docker run -t flwr_server:1.0.0 --help
for further information.
Run the client container specifying the server address:
docker run -e SERVER_ADDRESS=<server-address> -e NUM_PARTITIONS=<num_partitions> -e PARTITION_ID=<partition_id> -it flwr_client:1.0.0
Launch docker run -t flwr_client:1.0.0 --help
for further information.
N.B.: Docker images can be pulled directly from Docker Hub
docker pull gomax22/flwr_server:1.0.0
docker pull gomax22/flwr_client:1.0.0
Evaluate the trained model using:
# dataset choices = ['AFW', 'PASCAL', 'FDDB']
python test.py --trained_model /path/to/trained_model.pth --dataset FDDB
# evaluate using cpu
python test.py --trained_model /path/to/trained_model.pth --cpu
# visualize detection results
python test.py --trained_model /path/to/trained_model.pth -s --vis_thres 0.3
docker run -it flwr_client:1.0.0 python3 test.py --trained_model /path/to/trained_model.pth --dataset PASCAL --cpu --save_image
- Set up a cluster on Google Cloud Platform.
- Enabled Cloud Dataproc API, Cloud Dataproc Control API, Compute Engine API, Cloud Logging API.
- Enabled Docker on each VM instance.
- Docker deamon is running (
sudo systemctl start docker
). - There's a Firewall rule already created for ports where there will be incoming traffic, from workers to master (e.g.
Master node will act as a Flower server, while all other workers will act as Flower clients.
First, pull the docker images from Docker Hub using the following commands:
sudo docker pull gomax22/flwr_server:1.0.0 # on master
sudo docker pull gomax22/flwr_client:1.0.0 # on workers
Then, start the containers. For example
sudo docker run -p 8081:8081 -e SERVER_ADDRESS= -e NUM_CLIENTS=4 -e NUM_ROUNDS=200 -it gomax22/flwr_server:1.0.0 # on master
sudo docker run -e SERVER_ADDRESS= -e NUM_PARTITIONS=4 -e PARTITION_ID=0 -it gomax22/flwr_client:1.0.0 # on workers
sudo docker run -e SERVER_ADDRESS= -e NUM_PARTITIONS=4 -e PARTITION_ID=1 -it gomax22/flwr_client:1.0.0 # on workers
sudo docker run -e SERVER_ADDRESS= -e NUM_PARTITIONS=4 -e PARTITION_ID=2 -it gomax22/flwr_client:1.0.0 # on workers
sudo docker run -e SERVER_ADDRESS= -e NUM_PARTITIONS=4 -e PARTITION_ID=3 -it gomax22/flwr_client:1.0.0 # on workers
Hint 1 : add -d
options to detach containers. This could be strongly useful when SSH connection to the VM instances is lost.
Hint 2: you can check logs using the command: sudo docker logs <container-id>
Connect again via SSH and then:
sudo docker ps # get container id
sudo docker attach <container-id>
After training, execute the detection test on the workers using:
# dataset choices = ['AFW', 'PASCAL', 'FDDB']
sudo docker run -it gomax22/flwr_client:1.0.0 python3 test.py --trained_model /path/to/trained_model.pth --dataset PASCAL --cpu --save_image
# or
sudo docker ps -a # get container id
sudo docker exec -it <container-id> python3 test.py --trained_model /path/to/trained_model.pth --dataset PASCAL --cpu --save_image