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Perfetto v47.0

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@ddiproietto ddiproietto released this 07 Aug 17:47
· 7350 commits to main since this release
v47.0 - 2024-08-07:
  SQL Standard library:
    * Removed `cpu.cpus` and `cpu.size` modules. The functions inside
      for guessing core type were inaccurate and often misleading.
      There is no replacement for these as there is no accurate data
      source available.
    * Moved `cpu.utilization` package to `linux.cpu.utilization`. The
      functionality inside this package only works properly on Linux
      and Linux derived OSes (e.g. Android).
    * Moved `cpu.freq` module to `linux.cpu.frequency` and renamed
      `cpu_freq_counters` to `cpu_frequency_counters` for the same
      reason as above.
    * Moved `gpu.frequency` to `android.gpu.frequency` for the same reason as
    * Moved `cpu.idle` module to `linux.cpu.idle` or `linux.cpu.idle_stats` for
      the same reason as above.
    * Moved content of `linux.cpu_idle` into `linux.cpu.idle` and
      `linux.cpu.idle_stats` to make it consistent with above changes.
    * Moved `` to `android.memory.gpu`  to make it consistent
      with above changes.`
    * Moved contents of `memory.linux.process` to `linux.memory.process` and
      `android.memory.process` to make it consistent with above changes.
    * Moved `memory.linux.high_watermark` to `linux.memory.high_watermark` to
      make it consistent with above changes.
    * Moved `memory.heap_graph_dominator_tree` to
      `android.memory.heap_graph.dominator_tree`. This is to allow for the
      addition of more modules related to heap graphs.
    * Added `linux_kernel_threads` table to `linux.threads` module.
  Trace Processor:
    * Change `NotifyEndOfFile` method to return a Status object. For backwards
      compatibility, this value can be ignored but in the future a [[nodiscard]]
      annotation will be added.
    * Added `CREATE PERFETTO INDEX` to add sqlite-like indexes to Perfetto
      tables. Has the same API as `CREATE INDEX`.
    * Updated to Typescript 5.5.2, lib es2022, & upreved various packages.
    * Made `Disposable`, `DisposableStack`, and their async variants available
      to use in the UI.
    * Vastly improved flamegraph.
    * Added track filter which can be used to search for tracks by name.
    * Added Wattson cpu power estimation plugin.
    * Added option to show thread slice ancestor/descendant slices in thread
      slice details panel context menu.
    * Added feature where plugin can ask tracks to be automatically pinned when
      adding tracks on trace load.
    * Fixed inconsistent y-range for all CPU SS tracks.
    * Switched to using explicit de/serialization when creating/loading
    * Improved sched slice details query efficiency.
    * Added `TagInput` widget.
    * Added `ui/format-sources` script to run eslint and prettier in one go.
    * Reduced number of circular imports.
    * Added `SharedAsyncDisposable` for management of shared async resources.
    * Fixed rendering of negative counter tracks.
    * Improved data loss notification using a popup
    * Tidied up `TrackDescriptor`.
    * Added Android trace probes for ChromeOS
    * Added feature to try reconnect when websocket connection is lost.
    * Fixed bug in 1ns event rendering.
    * Tidied up details panel font sizes and weights.
    * Added segmented buttons widget.
    * Added 'main thread' chip to main thread tracks.
    * Added plugin API to add menu items to the sidebar.
    * Added `onTraceReady` plugin hook.
    * Various clean-ups and bugfixes.