- R - http://cran.r-project.org/
- Rtools - http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/ may not be necessary for you but good to have
- R - https://www.rstudio.com/ide/download/ or your favorite R interface
- In the Rstudio options (Tools > Global Options), set the version of R to be 32-bit
- Open RStudio and install some necessary R packages (from within R):
- dss-rip R package:
- DSSVue - From HEC - http://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-dssvue/downloads.aspx
While DSS is 32 and 64 bit compatible, the interface to the DSS Java libraries in R only works with 32-bit R/DSS at this time. If you have issues, ensure you are using 32 bit R.
dss_file = system.file('sample.dss',package='convertdss')
nc_file = 'output.nc'
dss = opendss(dss_file)
# get all the dss paths, its more efficient to do this once at the
# beginning and pass it to each function
paths = getAllPaths(dss)
# break apart the paths, this may take a minute for large files
# if more than one path part uniquely define a variable,
# its important to specify that here
parts = separate_path_parts(paths,variable_parts=LETTERS[1:3])
# read out one variable to get the time range
v = read_dss_variable(parts$id_var[1],dss,parts)
# initilize the netcdf file, make sure to use datetime
# range that covers the entire model period
dss_to_ncdf_init(dss, v$data$datetime, nc_file=nc_file, overwrite=TRUE)
# no need to close the nc connection
dss_file = 'my_dss.dss'
db_file = 'my_db.db'
dss = opendss(dss_file)
# get all the dss paths, its more efficient to do this once at the
# beginning and pass it to each function
paths = getAllPaths(dss)
# break apart the paths, this may take a minute for large files
# if more than one path part uniquely define a variable,
# its important to specify that here
parts = separate_path_parts(paths,variable_parts=c('B','C'))
# initilize the netcdf file, make sure to use datetime
# range that covers the entire model period
db = dss_to_sqlite_init(dss, db_file=db_file)