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Releases: gregorio-project/gregorio


28 Feb 16:27
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This is the release intended to go into TeX Live 2025.


[6.1.0] - 2025-02-28


  • Multiple Scribus render frames were all using the same file name, which would result in the same score appearing in all render frames. This change makes the score files use an available Scribus variable to force multiple file names.
  • When kpsewhich cannot write to a particular location, it generates an error which is directed to stderr but not to our glog file. This created an undocumented error when trying to write to a gtex file to a bad location. We now capture stderr output produced when compiling scores and redirect it to our glog file so that the error is properly recorded. Fixes #1541.
  • Fixed the interaction between hyphens and styles. See #1538.
  • Fixed the loss of ongoing styles when a syllable starts with a forced center. See #1551.
  • Fixed first syllables of one letter with a style causing a segfault. See #1585.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a custos to sometimes change into a clef. See #1373.
  • Fixed the alignment of 2-line initials so that an initial's baseline more exactly aligns with the baseline of the lowest line it appears next to.
  • When fancyhdr and GregorioTeX are used together, GregorioTeX's disabling of hyphenation and its post_linebreak modification of the post_linebreak_filter interfere with multiline headers. Using the fancyhdr/before and fancyhdr/after hooks we temporarily reenable hyphenation and disable our post_linebreak modification while headers and footers are being processed in the middle of a score. See #1603.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a hyphen to appear on the wrong line. See #1319.
  • Fixed the placement of above-lines text (<alt>) relative to a note above the staff or when the number of staff lines is not 4. See #1613 and #1614.
  • Fixed a bug where the above-lines text (<alt>) could collide with a note above the staff. See #1613.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the clef and staff to be printed too high. See #1503.


  • Modified gregorio to write to the log file specified as an argument and to send all messages to it (except errors about opening the log file itself). See #1541 and #1628.
  • Defined an output directory for gtex and glog files. Default is tmp-gre. This can be changed using \gresetoutputdir{...}. Fixes #1393, #1542, and #1571.
  • GregorioTeX no longer searches for and reuses existing gtex files using kpathsea; it only looks in the output directory.
  • If gtex or glog files from other versions of gregorio are found either in the same directory as the gabc file or in the output directory, they are deleted.
  • gabc.vim has been expanded into a proper vim plugin.


  • Added a configurable setting \gresetunisonbreakbehavior to control automatic line breaks between unison notes above a syllable. Defaults to breakable for backwards compatibility, but may be set to unbreakable if that behavior is desired. See #1504.
  • Added the ability to fuse upwards to a virga. See #1558
  • Added the ability to use the "stroke" form of a clivis instead of the default two-notes form by specifying [shape:stroke] after the clivis to change. See #1558
  • Allow \gresetinitiallines{n} where n is any number of lines (a non-negative integer). The manual linebreaks (z) that used to be required for 2-line initials are no longer required. See #1488. Added new options \gresetinitialanchor and \gresetinitialposition to control the placement of initials.
  • Added new alterations: soft flat (X) and sharp (##), which appear when there is no previous flat or sharp (respectively) in effect, and soft natural (Y), which appears when there is a previous flat or sharp in effect. A new option \gresetalterationeffect determines what the "effect" of an alteration is. It defaults to line, which is useful for Dominican chant. See #157 and also #1575.
  • 9 new St. Gall neume glyphs have been added to the gregall font.



Multiline initials

Initial letters that are 2 lines high used to require manual linebreaks (z), but no longer do. The alignment of 2-line initial letters has changed slightly and may need to be adjusted. Further, initials can now span over an arbitrary number of lines.

Soft alterations

GABC now has some new alterations: soft flat (X) and sharp (##), which appear when there is no previous flat or sharp (respectively) in effect, and soft natural (Y), which appears when there is a previous flat or sharp in effect. A new option \gresetalterationeffect determines what the "effect" of an alteration is. It defaults to line, meaning that an alteration's effect extends to the end of the line. Thus, for Dominican chant, type a soft flat (X) in front of every note that is to be sung a half-step flat; naturals should also be soft (Y), but only naturals that cancel flats need to be typed.


26 Feb 14:55
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v6.1.0-rc1 Pre-release

This should be the last pre-release before the TeX Live 2025 pretest ends. All known blocking bugs have been addressed. We'll push the final release as soon as we've verified there are no problems with the upload to the TeX Live pretest.


17 Feb 15:53
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v6.1.0-beta2 Pre-release

This is the second beta release for the TeX Live 2025 Pretest.

Windows installer is not currently available but should be available by time of final release.

CHANGELOG (since beta1)

[6.1.0-beta2] - 2025-02-17


  • Fixed a bug that could cause a hyphen to appear on the wrong line. See #1319.
  • Fixed the placement of above-lines text (<alt>) relative to a note above the staff or when the number of staff lines is not 4. See #1613 and #1614.
  • Fixed a bug where the above-lines text (<alt>) could collid with a note above the staff. See #1613.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the clef and staff to be printed too high. See #1503.

UPGRADE (cumulative)


Initial letters that are 2 lines high used to require manual linebreaks (z), but no longer do. The alignment of 2-line initial letters has changed slightly and may need to be adjusted.

GABC now has some new alterations: soft flat (X) and sharp (##), which appear when there is no previous flat or sharp (respectively) in effect, and soft natural (Y), which appears when there is a previous flat or sharp in effect. A new option \gresetalterationeffect determines what the "effect" of an alteration is. It defaults to line, meaning that an alteration's effect extends to the end of the line. Thus, for Dominican chant, type a soft flat (X) in front of every note that is to be sung a half-step flat; naturals should also be soft (Y), but only naturals that cancel flats need to be typed.


12 Feb 01:13
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v6.1.0-beta1 Pre-release

This is the first beta release for the TeX Live 2025 Pretest.

Windows installer is not currently available but should be forthcoming.

[6.1.0-beta1] - 2025-02-10


  • Multiple Scribus render frames were all using the same file name, which would result in the same score appearing in all render frames. This change makes the score files use an available Scribus variable to force multiple file names.
  • When kpsewhich cannot write to a particular location, it generates an error which is directed to stderr but not to our glog file. This created an undocumented error when trying to write to a gtex file to a bad location. We now capture stderr output produced when compiling scores and redirect it to our glog file so that the error is properly recorded. Fixes #1541.
  • Fixed the interaction between hyphens and styles. See #1538.
  • Fixed the loss of ongoing styles when a syllable starts with a forced center. See #1551.
  • Fixed first syllables of one letter with a style causing a segfault. See #1585.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a custos to sometimes change into a clef. See #1373.
  • Fixed the alignment of 2-line initials so that an initial's baseline more exactly aligns with the baseline of the lowest line it appears next to.
  • When fancyhdr and GregorioTeX are used together, GregorioTeX's disabling of hyphenation and its post_linebreak modification of the post_linebreak_filter interfere with multiline headers. Using the fancyhdr/before and fancyhdr/after hooks we temporarily reenable hyphenation and disable our post_linebreak modification while headers and footers are being processed in the middle of a score. See #1603.


  • Modified gregorio to append to the log file specified as an argument and to send early messages to it. See #1541.
  • Defined an output directory for gtex and glog files. Default is tmp-gre. This can be changed using \gresetoutputdir{...}. Fixes #1393, #1542, and #1571.
  • gabc.vim has been expanded into a proper vim plugin.


  • Added a configurable setting \gresetunisonbreakbehavior to control automatic line breaks between unison notes above a syllable. Defaults to breakable for backwards compatibility, but may be set to unbreakable if that behavior is desired. See #1504.
  • Added the ability to fuse upwards to a virga. See #1558
  • Added the ability to use the "stroke" form of a clivis instead of the default two-notes form by specifying [shape:stroke] after the clivis to change. See #1558
  • Allow \gresetinitiallines{n} where n is any number of lines (a non-negative integer). The manual linebreaks (z) that used to be required for 2-line initials are no longer required. See #1488. Added new options \gresetinitialanchor and \gresetinitialposition to control the placement of initials.
  • Added new alterations: soft flat (X) and sharp (##), which appear when there is no previous flat or sharp (respectively) in effect, and soft natural (Y), which appears when there is a previous flat or sharp in effect. A new option \gresetalterationeffect determines what the "effect" of an alteration is. It defaults to line, which is useful for Dominican chant. See #157 and also #1575.
  • 9 new St. Gall neume glyphs have been added to the gregall font.


13 Mar 18:42
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With the close of the TeX Live 2021 pretest just around the corner, we’re finalizing the 6.0.0 release. This release is will not be available through tlmgr for TeX Live 2020, but can be installed using the appropriate method for your platform if you want it before the release of TeX Live 2021.


[6.0.0] - 2021-03-13


  • Fixed some problem in 900_gregorio.xml (Scribus render frame tool). First, the use of filecontents rather than filecontents* was leading to a comment header that made it impossible for Gregorio to find the gabc headers in the temporary score file. Further, some of the indenting (which makes the file more human readable) was leading to errors in the formatting of the created files because they are processed in a way which handles whitespace differently from XML. See #1457.
  • spacelinestext is now based on the lyric font size instead of being a fixed distance. As a result, large lyrics should no longer overlap with low notes. See #1261.
  • Added parenthesized figures for virgula (gabc: `?), divisio minima (gabc: ,?), flat (gabc: x?), natural (gabc: y?), and sharp (gabc: #?). See #1475.
  • Staff line thickness is now set in gsp-default.tex. This corrects a problem with the staff lines changing thickness when the default spacing configuration is loaded while the staff size is something other than the default (17). See #1461.
  • Corrected interaction issues between text styles and ligatures. The LaTeX commands like \textit insert italics correction, preventing ligatures being formed between their arguments if two occur sequentially. On the other hand the switches like \itshape do not. Since gregorio breaks up syllables around the vowel and then applies the formating commands to each part, this behavior showed up. We switch to using the switches to avoid this (except for underlining, for which a switch does not exist). We also fix this for color tags by loading luacolor which changes how the \color tag is implemented to allow ligatures to span groups. See #1444.
  • A reuse of a save register led to the \hyphenpenalty not being restored correctly at the end of the score. All save registers are now clearly identified by when they are used so as to make it harder to accidentally use the wrong one. See posts on mailing list.
  • Fixed an overly specific find/replace in snippets that that led to \par being able to slip into the snippet file under certain circumstances (and there by causing compilation to fail). See #1497.
  • Updated to use iftex package (the sucessor to ifluatex). See #1481.


  • Default spacings are now designated internal and thus always loaded. gsp-sample.tex is added to the doc folder to show users how to create their own custom spacing configuration. As part of this change, spacing configuration files no longer need to be complete. Since the default configuration is always loaded at package startup, all needed penalties and spacings will be defined and the user's configuration file need only specify those whose value they wish to customize. Addresses issues raised in #1460.
  • Added additional message to verbose output of command-line tool to prevent confusion when a custom Latin vowel convention is found that the internal Latin rules will be used. See #1470.
  • Added $ in gabc text to prevent special interpretation of the character that follows. See #1515
  • GregorioTeX will now look in additional places for scores. Users can specify paths to look in using \gresetgregpath. If scores are not found in the current working directory or the list of provided paths, we fall back on kpse to try and find them. See #1395.
  • Added the ability to toggle the visibility of the translation and above lines text. See user request on mailing list.


  • The space between a non-punctum inclinatum and the upright punctum inclinatum is renamed to uprightpunctuminclinatumshift. This helps to better distinguish it from punctuminclinatumunisonshift (the space between two consecutive ascending or descending puncta inclinata on the same line). See #1507.
  • noteadditionalspacelinestext now calculates the actual amount of additional space needed by low notes. To enable the old behavior (when noteadditionalspacelinestext is set by the user), use \gresetnoteadditionalspacelinestext{manual}. See #1521 and #1526.


  • \gresethyphenprotrusion{percentage}, supplanted by \gresetprotrusionfactor{eolhyphen}{factor}. Note that the value the new command takes is a factor rather than a percentage.



Upright punctum inclinatum

Gregorio will now use an "upright" punctum inclinatum shape for a series of unison punctum inclinatum notes over a given syllable. When there is a single punctum inclinatum, Gregorio will use a heuristic to choose a shape. In any of these cases, if the result is not satisfactory, especially in context with nearby syllables, you may select a different shape by using 0 (for the descending shape) or 1 (for the ascending shape) after the capitalized letter indicating the punctum inclinatum. Forced selection of the upright shape is also possible by using 2 after the capitalized letter indicating the punctum inclinatum.

GABC escape character

In GABC text, the dollar sign ($) is now an "escape character" which prevents any special interpretation of the single character which follows the $. This allows you to put things like parentheses in text (use $(), but it also prevents other special interpretation of the character that follows (e.g., $: prevents auto-protrusion for the colon and $- prevents hyphenation handling of the dash). In order to send a $ to TeX, use $$ to escape the dollar sign.

If you had used the $ for some reason in your GABC text, this change will break your score. You will need to change all $ in your text to $$ to retain the old behavior.


06 Apr 21:00
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This release fixes bugs found while testing against the TeX Live 2019 Pretest.

[5.2.1] - 2019-04-06


  • Project names with quotes in them no longer cause GregorioTeX to not be able to find the executable. See #1416.
  • Eliminated implicit casting from float to integer in string formatting (something no longer allowed in Lua 5.3)


10 Mar 21:42
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The release intended for TeX Live 2019.

[5.2.0] - 2019-03-10


  • latin is now supported as a valid language name. This brings Latin into line with other languages where both titlecased and lowercased version of the language name (e.g. English and english) are both allowed.


  • Added support for two and three letter language codes for supported languages. This list of codes (and language names) was used for this support. No new languages are supported as a result of this change, just different ways of specifying the existing names.
  • A non-rotated diamond-shaped variant of the punctum inclinatum. Append a 2 in gabc to the capitalized note pitch letter to force gregorio to use this shape. Otherwise, gregorio will try to use it when a string of these notes is at the unison within a syllable. See #1425.
  • Support for an eighth bar (nicknamed divisio "minimis") by using ^ in gabc (see #1424).
  • 8 new St. Gall neume glyphs have been added to the gregall font.


25 Mar 19:10
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This is merely a patch to fix small problems in the documentation.


11 Mar 20:38
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This is the official release which is designated for inclusion in TeXLive 2018. It will work with older systems as well using the usual manual installation methods.

[5.1.0] - 2018-03-11


  • Added support for virgula (gabc: `0) and divisio minima (gabc: ,0) on the ledger line above the staff (see #1370).
  • Added support for a dotted bar (gabc: :?) (See #1360 and #1387)
  • 10 new St. Gall neume glyphs have been added to the gregall font (see #1328, #1330, #1337, #1340, #1341, #1342, #1343, #1345).
  • 4 new Laon neume glyphs have been added to the grelaon font.
  • A more modern-looking sharp symbol has been added to the greciliae font. To switch to this, use \grechangeglyph{Sharp}{greciliae}{.modern}\grechangeglyph{SharpHole}{greciliae}{.modern} in your TeX file. See #1399.
  • Added documentation note about loading microtype after gregoriotex (see #1364).


  • Fixed issue with Tex Live 2017 latexmk not detecting auto-compiled gabc files as dependencies (see #1367).
  • Fixed issue where an altered note (glyph) throws off the position of an episema in the glyph that immediately precedes it (see #1379).


24 May 21:45
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This is purely a CTAN release. We discovered that occasionally the package code was unable to locate the gregorio executable in the TeXLive 2017 pretest. While unable to determine the exact conditions to replicate this bug consistently, we have come up with a work around which avoids the problematic code.

[5.0.2] - 2017-05-24

  • Worked around an issue discovered during the TeX Live 2017 pre-test. See #1362.