Notes is an open source, cross-platform note taking app which has the potential to be something much bigger, and much better at empowering the people using it. This is where you come into play. Be part of making Notes better.
Next version: 1.5.0 (see project)
Our vision for the future on our Wiki.
Use this command to clone the repository:
$> git clone --recursive
Make sure the Qt (>= 5.3) development libraries are installed:
- Debian/Ubuntu : qt5-default build-essential qtbase5-private-dev sqlite3
$> mkdir build
$> cd build
$> qmake ../src
$> make -j4
The notes database and settings file are stored:
Windows : C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Awesomeness
Linux : /home/user/.config/Awesomeness/
or /home/snap/notes/x1/.config/Awesomeness
(using snap)
Mac : /home/.config/Awesomeness/