This Safari bookmarklet lets you search the Hacker News Who is Hiring thread using multiple search criteria.
On your iOS device, navigate to the lastest HN Who is Hiring thread (e.g. June 2016).
Tap the Save
icon (then Add Bookmark > Change title to e.g. "HN search" > Save)
Now tap the
icon (find the bookmark, hit Edit > click the bookmark, in the Address field, delete the contents and paste in the following:
javascript:void function(){var e=prompt("Enter keywords:").split(" "),t=document.getElementsByClassName("athing"),n=[];for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++){var i=0;for(var s=0;s<e.length;s++)t[r].innerText.toLowerCase().indexOf(e[s].toLowerCase())>-1&&i++;i==e.length&&n.push(t[r])}var o=function(e){e.onclick=function(){var t=n.indexOf(e),r=t+1,i=n[r];i.scrollIntoView()}};for(var r=0;r<n.length;r++)n[r].style.backgroundColor="orange",o(n[r]);n[0].scrollIntoView()}();
Tap Done 3 times to save and exit.
To start a search, tap the
icon, and select HN search (or whatever you named the bookmark).
A prompt will appear and you can type in your space-dlimited search terms (e.g. "Javascript react"), click Ok to search.
To go to the next search result, tap the current highlighted result. To start a new search, reload the page and repeat from Step 5.
Clone the repo:
git clone hn-bookmarklet
Go to the repo:
cd hn-bookmarklet
Make changes to
The contents of
must be first prepended withjavascript:
before being copied to an iOS bookmark -
Alternatively, if you have UglifyJS installed, run the following command to take
, minify it, and prepend thejavascript:
string, and place the result inhn.min.js
:var=$(uglifyjs hn.js); echo "javascript:"${var/void\ /void } > hn.min.js
Pull requests welcome!