Cisco Spark integration with SigFox button
- / Sigfox button as trigger
- Cisco Spark as Space for human and data
- => When the Button is pushed Cisco Spark space is created and people are added
- Clone localy
git clone
- Go into the folder
cd digitalDelegation
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Config your with:
- action: HTTP
- HTTP URL: your url
- HTTP Method: POST
- Arguments: application/json
{"ID":"<ID>","EID":"<EID>","DEVICEID":"<DEVICEID>","counter":"<COUNTER>","date":"<DATE>", "time": "<TIME>","name":"<NAME>","user":"<USER>","location":"<LOCATION>","emailaddress":"<EMAILADDRESS>"}
- Config your app with your spark bot
cp config.js.default config.js vi config.js
Run the application, two configuration availables
1/ For the dev, node is used
./app manual
- 2/ For the prod, pm2 is used (install also this dependency)
./app [start|stop|restart|show|staus|log]
- Push your button!!!
- Check what happen on your Cisco Spark app
Have fun