Simple script to upload a folder of photos/videos to a new set in Flickr. I use it from a Raspberry Pi, to upload the photos to flickr.
Based in the work of, and /flickr-uploadr
sudo apt-get install python-flickrapi
Create a new app in your Flickr account: and jot down api_key and api_secret
Edit the script and adjust the api_key, api_secret and paths at the begining
Run it!
./ -n album_name -f image.jpg
On first run, the script will show an URL you need to visit in order to authorize it.Open the url in your brwoser, authorize the script and copy the code shown.
You can install the api system wide and avoid setting the PYTHONPATH, but I prefer to keep my NAS system clean.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-dir FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
Path to the folder you want to upload
-f SINGLE_FILE, --single-file SINGLE_FILE
Upload a single file
-ft FILE_TITLE, --file-title FILE_TITLE
sets file title
file description
-t TAGS, --tags TAGS One or more tags for all the files (use quotes if needed)
-n ALBUMS, --albums ALBUMS
Name of the albums to add photos to, separated by commas (,)
Album description
-df, --delete-after-upload
Delete each file after upload
Ignore files with these patterns, separated by commas (,). For example: "hdr*,a*,.*jpg"
-pf PUBLIC_PHOTOS, --public-photos PUBLIC_PHOTOS
public (1) or private (0, default) photos