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Application that allows to make simulations following the Queuing Theory according to the Operations Research area, being more specific, with M/M/1/k models.


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Simulate Research is an application for Android devices developed in React Native using the Expo framework. This application was developed with the purpose of fulfilling the project on Simulations for the subject Operations Research III of the Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado" in Venezuela.

SimulateResearch is an application that allows to make simulations following the Queuing Theory according to the Operations Research area, being more specific, with M/M/1/k models.


SimulateResearch consists of two main screens and a results screen.


The initial screen of the application. Here there is a header with the project developers' information, followed by a component that allows you to view the documentation associated with the project.


This screen corresponds to the form given to perform the simulation in this application. This form has three (3) text fields, which only allow numeric values greater than zero (0) and less than or equal to nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine (9999). Each field corresponds to the following:

  • Customer Arrival Rate (Tasa de llegada de clientes): The average number of customers arriving to the system per unit of time. Generally expressed as "λ" (lambda).
  • Service rate (Tasa de servicio): The average number of customers that the server can serve per unit of time. Usually expressed as "µ" (my).
  • Queue size (Tamaño de cola): It is the maximum number of clients that can be in the system at the same time. It is expressed as "k".

Also, for the Customer Arrival Rate and Service Rate text fields, there are buttons with a dice icon. These buttons allow random values to be assigned to the field. Furthermore, the text field for Queue Size has a button with an infinity symbol icon. This button allows you to assign the maximum value (9999) to the queue size variable.

Below the text fields for the variables with which the simulation is run, three buttons are displayed:

  • Clear (Limpiar): Allows to clear the text fields of the variables. It is deactivated when the simulation is running.
  • Calculate (Calcular): Starts or resumes the simulation. It is deactivated when the simulation is running.
  • Stop (Detener): Stops the simulation. It is activated when the simulation is running.

The simulation results are shown below:

  • Current time: Value representing the iteration the simulation is in. Value expressed in the time unit of minutes.
  • Queue size: Value that represents the number of "customers" waiting to be "served".
  • Customers served: Value that indicates the number of "customers" that have already been "served" by the system.
  • Average waiting time: Corresponds to the result of dividing the waiting time by the number of customers served. The waiting time is an auxiliary variable used inside the system, it corresponds to the accumulated "time" value when the system is "attending" each "client".

After these values, the Finish (Finalizar) button follows, which is only enabled when a simulation has been started.


This page shows the results obtained by the simulation. For this purpose, it has two graphs and a table.

  • Chart of customers in queue (Clientes en cola): This chart shows the number of customers who remained in queue before being served by the system.
  • Chart of customers served (Clientes atendidos): This chart shows the number of customers who have been served.
  • Data table by iteration (Tabla de datos por iteración): This table illustrates in each of its rows the time (Tiempo) (in minutes), the number of customers who were in queue before being served (Clientes en cola), the number of customers served for the time elapsed (Clientes atendidos), the average waiting time per customer (Media de espera) and the total number of customers (Total clientes), which represents the sum between customers in queue and customers served.

Getting started 🚀

The application is developed with React Native and its Expo framework for the frontend. It also makes use of other libraries that are necessary for the correct functioning of the of the application.

Prerequisites 📋

*Node.js version 18.18.0 *Expo as client for the development. *Visual Studio Code was used for the project as text editor, but any text editor can also be used.

Installation 🔧

To begin, we proceed to download the repository. To do this, open the console, go to the folder where you want to save the project and run the following command:

  git clone

Then you must access the cloned folder in the "SimulateResearch" repository. For a Windows operating system, with the command:

cd SimulateResearch

Next, the libraries and dependencies necessary for its execution are installed.

npm install

Or, alternatively;

yarn install

If none of the above options work, try with;

npm i -f

Once the installation of the dependencies is successful, the project is ready to run on an emulator or physical device. To perform a local deployment, proceed as follows:

First, it is necessary to have Expo cli installed, the client used to be able to display the project in question. Once installed, it is necessary to create a build in development mode.

To create the build in development mode, run eas build --profile development --platform android inside the SimulateResearch project folder.

During the process, the user will be prompted to indicate where to install the created build, whether on an emulator or a physical device connected to the computer.

After that, it will be installed and now it is possible to run the project with the following command the following command:

  npm start


  yarn start

This will start Expo cli. There you will see a menu of options, where you will have to indicate the Android option. After that, the emulator will open (or the Simulate Research project will start on the connected physical device). For more information, you can directly access the Expo documentation.

Authors 💻

⌨️ made with ❤️ by [Flamethyst]


Application that allows to make simulations following the Queuing Theory according to the Operations Research area, being more specific, with M/M/1/k models.





