API that performs tests and "judges" Verilog codes. For this purpose, Flask and the Icarus compiler were used.
To ensure the API works, it's important to create a virtual environment within this directory. (How to create and run a venv)
After that, activate the environment and install the necessary dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
For the API to work, you must have the Verilog compiler, Icarus, installed.
sudo apt-get install iverilog
With the dependencies and compiler installed, run the code, starting the API. Using VScode, the API is opened on a localhost port. After that, it's possible to make a request to the '/test_verilog' route, passing as a parameter a json that follows the model below.
data = {
"verilog_code": "Verilog code to test",
"user_id": "user identifier",
"exercise_id": "exercise identifier"
"testbench_id": "test bench identifier"
response = requests.get('', json=data)
By default, the API returns json containing the following information:
"compilation_log": "icarus raw compilation log",
"dump": "wave file generated on the test bench",
"error_log": "error message, if any",
"message": "informs whether the tests passed or not",
"tests_passed": "true or false, whether the test passed"