This repository holds the code for Open Knesset wed based frontend. You are invited to fork the code, improve the design and send a pull request
Fork the repo: ok-webfront.git
by using the Fork button on github.
The only external dependecy is node.js so first get it for your platform
from the download page and then:
$ git clone`your_username`/ok-webfront.git $ cd ok-webfront $ npm install -d $ node app.js
and point your browser at http://localhost:3000.
the templates themselves are located at the views
folder and written in
Mustache logicless templating language. The templates have a .html
file suffix.
Once stasified with your changes, commit your changes to your fork with a meaningful commit message and send a pull request to hasadna's fork
If you can run a local Open Knesset development server, you can run the webfront so it will access the local server just type:
$ NODE_ENV=local node app.js
Running in local configuration, the webfront server will access port 8000 on the locahost instead of our deve server at