Welcome to my GitHub repository! I'm Karthik Ganti, a Full Stack Developer with expertise in Core Java, NodeJS, and ES6 JavaScript. I specialize in REST API development and have hands-on experience with Blockchain platforms, Docker, Spring Boot and ReactJS.
- I design and deploy web apps powered by blockchain technology.
- Collaborate on open-source projects.
- Write technical articles on
- Teach and share knowledge on blockchain, chatGPT and architecting web apps.
Here are some of the key skills I possess:
- Full Stack Development
- Core Java
- NodeJS, ES6 JavaScript
- REST API Development, Spring Boot, Junit
- Python
- ReactJS
- Docker
I also have experience with Blockchain technologies, including:
- Hyperledger
- Ethereum
- R3 Corda
- Quorum
- Solidity
My dedication to learning is reflected in the following certifications and licenses:
- R3 Corda Developer Certification
- IBM Blockchain Foundation For Developers – Coursera
- Blockchain Architecture Design & Use Cases – NPTEL (IIT Kharagpur)
- Certified Solidity Developer – Blockchain Council
- Hyperledger Fabric Certified Practitioner (Linux Foundation)
Feel free to reach out to me via email at raokarthikg@gmail.com if you'd like to connect or discuss any projects or opportunities. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn or explore my projects here on GitHub.