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Example Presentations
Matt Malishev edited this page Dec 4, 2022
251 revisions
Explore more than 800,000 presentations on Slides – the online editor and hosting platform for reveal.js https://slides.com/explore
- https://revealjs.com (An introduction to reveal.js)
- Functional Programming in 5 Minutes by @gsklee
Feel free to edit this page and add your own presentations below:
- Netflix series DARK trivia quiz by Matt Malishev
- Dissertation Defense - MGF Zeros by Ronaldo G. M. Rodrigues
- Make slide by Asciidoc, Markdown | Slidict by Yusuke Abe @newsdict
- Survey analysis by Survey Positive, with Charts and Maps.
- An Introduction to Rakeback using RevealJS
- A Machine Learning approach to explore radiation damage (physics) database presented at MoD-PMI 2019 by @haptork — with 3D interactive animations, interactive plots and audio slides.
- A 100-slides-presentation about a digital trace scoring system for cyber security purpose by @cgi1
- A presenter for markdown files such as this one
- Untangling the hairball, John Alexis Guerra Gómez talk at OpenVisConf 2017.
- ActivityWatch | Log what you do on your computer. Simple, extensible, no third parties. by @ErikBjare
- Accessible Web by Darek Kay
- Summer of Secure Code - Minimum Viable Gala 2016 by @evilon
- The quest for insights, the true objective of big data by John Alexis Guerra Gómez
- Usability Testing to Improve Online Learning by Brian Bennett
- Introduction to javascript and max/msp with javascript
- The Arab Uprisings Five Years On
- Custom Lint rules - Improve your code quality with dedicated conventions by André Diermann at Droidcon Berlin 2015
- Audio slideshows with Reveal.js by @rajgoel
- Innovation in Technical Communication by @tomjohnson
- Betting the Company on a Graph Database by @aseemk
- 2D Transforms 101 by @legends2k
- You Don't Know Beans About CoffeeScript by @aseemk
- Vert.x - An event-driven polyglot VM! by @siddii
- Le tutoriel OpenSCAD du Fablab de Lannion
- Cutting-edge CSS features for Graphics - CSS Blend Modes, CSS Masking and CSS Shapes
- Dutch Children platform by Jesse Bakels
- Javascript micro-benchmark cautions & video by Vyacheslav Egorov at LXJS13
- Introduction to MATLAB by Krzysztof Pytka and Nicolas Aragon
- Intro to RubyMotion by Gant Laborde
- Renault Société by Promise Digital
- Try Raspberry Pi by @imcaspar
- Raspberry Pi - Web Server With Python by @luisibanez
- http://zendev.com.br/apresentacao/ by @edbizarro
- http://www.ideapolisagency.com/ by @achrafkassioui
- http://lucienfrelin.com/ by @lucienfrelin
- http://creatorrr.github.com/ThePoet/
- Not Your Mother's Web3D: Integrating X3DOM, jQuery and HTML5 by Sandy Ressler
- Webapp Development Stack & Tooling by Paul Irish
- Lock-free algorithms by Samy Al Bahra
- Not Your Average Drag and Drop by Ryan Seddon
- Elasticsearch by @spinscale
- JavaScript Tooling by Paul Irish
- High Performance JS and CSS by Md khan
- Mobile Web Programming is a Bloody Mess by Brian LeRoux
- Bio Database Access and Sequence Alignment by Philip Bjorge
- Web vs Native by Michael Mahemoff
- Continuously Integrated JS Development by Tiago Rodrigues
- To be Future Friendly is to be Device Agnostic by Joe McCann
- The Web Development Workflow of 2013 by Paul Irish
- How To Cope With Graphical Challenges Using Latest Web Technologies by Alex Wolkov
- Going Deeper with jQuery Mobile by Andy Matthews
- Studio Nord
- PhoneGap Pain Points by Pamela Fox
- UX Training by Edmore Moyo
- Ocean Geodesign Using Real-Time Web Technologies
- Design For Programmers
- Pure, functional JavaScript (video) by Christian Johansen
- Writing Awesome Code
- The State of JavaScript by Brendan Eich
- Javascript : techniques de compression de code (french) by Philippe Deschaseaux
- Backbone.js by Anthony Decena
- JavaScript: The Real Bad Parts by John K. Paul at EmpireJS
- Future Friendly Web Design for Libraries by Michael Schofield
- Showcasing mobile websites for vacation in Germany by Eckard Ritter
- Video streaming on the Web
- Knockout.js for dealing with complex UI
- Machine Learning Introduction by pieroit
- Machine Learning Tutorial by Maximilian Nickel
- Introduction to Haskell by Nishant Shukla
- WebGL through Three JS by Dimitri Roche
- Bootstrap presentation by @simo_endre
- D3.js 101: A Technical Intro by Scott Cheng
- Resume 'Revealed' by @Joshu42
- Presentations for Programmers by @marcduiker
- M-Commerce: O E-Commerce móbil (Galician language) by Lito
- Portfolio of Ian Spiro
- Helping Parents and Kids Navigate Addictions and Technology by Ross Laird
- Get well soon Glenn! by Aneesh Dogra
- Renault Société by Kobus Myburgh
- Design best practice for a re-usable CSS by Stéphanie Walter
- I Didn't Know My Browser Can Do That! by Alan Greenblatt
- Big web app? Compile it! by Alon Zakai
- Blueseed - the visa-free startup ship for entrepreneurs, by Dan Dascalescu
- Using NodeJS to automate build and deploy - BrazilJS 2013 by Mauricio Wolff (@bitbonsai)
- JSR-352, Spring Batch, and You - SpringOne2GX 2013 by Michael Minella - @michaelminella
- Sample scientific talk (on magnetism in small stars) by Peter Williams — with pdf.js integration example and a few other customizations
- xtopdf - a Python toolkit for PDF creation by @vasudevram
- Culture and Empire a full book Revealed by @hintjens
- Creatividad - USACH University talk by @Cmaliqueo
- PHP, frameworks, Yii2 by Alexander Makarov
- PHP, frameworks, Yii2 - In Persian by Seyed Sajjad Shahcheragean
- Groovy - Com exemplos by @mosampaio
- Mathematics Videos presented in a video box by Echt Einfach TV (implemented loading of youtube iframes only when slide appears)
- Bootstrapping Groovy by Prashanth Babu (@P7h).
- Data visualization for the web with D3.js: So long pie charts by Pablo Tamarit (with D3 transitions triggered by reveal fragments (for a generic solution, give a try to the reveal.js d3js plugin))
- Introduction to Big Data: Using Hadoop and MapReduce by Rod Xavier Bondoc
- Open source vs open data by @jehb
- Instalación y arranque de la máquina virtual de Tegnix by @Ciges. In Spanish, first lesson of a course for a IT School and Consultancy called Tegnix
- OpenStreetMap for developers by Simone Cortesi. In English, aimed at GIS professionals interested in the OSM world.
- Reduction of continuous SO(2) symmetry of spatially extended systems by Nazmi Burak Budanur. A scientific presentation with rotatable 3D figures generated using Pre3d.
- Information Technology Project experience by Rasendran Kirushan
- Event Store JVM client by Yaroslav Klymko
- Introduction to MQTT protocol by Alexandre Moreno
- 4 Data-Visualization Presentations by @MaxCRoser:
- Visualising 2000 Years of Declining World Poverty
- A Short Visual History of Global Health
- The Visual History of the Rise of Political Freedom and Decrease in Violence
- The Visual History of Decreasing World Hunger and Improving Food Provision
- A very brief introduction to proteins by Mikko Karttunen
- The Best Page on Facebook Ever! by Shrenuj Parekh
- AngularJS Directives by Sugan
- Startup Weekend Sherbrooke presentation (in French) by Vincent
- Front-End H8#ff0000;!!1 by Robert Sedovšek
- Django Basics by Vivek S
- Parameter-free and Multigrid Convergent Digital Curvature Estimators by @jlevallois
- Paul's Launchpad - Portfolio of a Web Developer by pazell981
- Web Application Security in a nutshell by @bkimminich
- OpenStack Swift Intro by Cong Peng
- Exploring the GitHub Service Universe by @bkimminich
- Juice Shop - An intentionally insecure Javascript Web Application by @bkimminich
- 40 great Jenkins plugins in 40 minutes at DevConf.cz by @mcupak
- Same Content on every page - e.g. Header/Footer
- PhD Defense by Ahmad Shahwan
- Dev-Op Portfolio by JeroenED
- RNA Genotype-phenotype maps by Carlos A Lugo
- Médias en partage by Louchoff
- What is content marketing? by Freely
- MCTS in Fable Legends by Gwaredd
- How to use an Amiga in 2015 by Sebastian Bergmann
- Neural Nets Demystified -- PDX Data Science May 2015 by Hobson Lane
- Data Science Talks by Hobson Lane
- University of Leeds Library Quickstart by Paul Cave Anna Dean and the eLearning Team, University of Leeds Library
- Getting started with IPv6 by Urs Roesch
- Music in the browser by Per-Øivin Andersen
- A (short) introduction to graphdb: Tinkerpop family and OrientDB by Riccardo Tasso
- Reactive, event-driven applications on the JVM with Vert.x by Erwin de Gier
- Ball theme template for reveal.js by Luckylooke
- Field Hockey 2015 Rule Changes by Sportplan
- Portfolio of Sachin Bansal by @sachinb94
- SSH Cookbook v2 by @jmrenouard
- Palme's Last Walk (in Swedish) by @johanbjurling, @evestlund et al for Expressen.se.
- Showing Research, Understanding, Design, and Enthusiasm for a new Job Opportunity by @jwgoldsmith
- Why Docker? by @duyetdev
- Multi-Level Annotation of Natural Scenes by @aytic
- Portfolio of a visual designer by @marinaroot (contains custom menu + open-sourced on github)
- Portfolio of a multidisciplinary designer
- SaltStack: Modern Infrastructure Management (German) by @xenuser
- Internet-Marketing-A Case Study on Q-Telecoms Marketing Technique-Greek Language
- Introduction to jsrsasign: free pure JavaScript cryptography library by @kjur
- Introduction to DigiDoki: On demand phone repair (تعمیر موبایل در محل) by DPQ
- Autodesk Forge Viewer: Visual Reports with Connected Data by Philippe Leefsma / @F3lipek
- TheTower - VR Game made with XVR Engine by Gabriele Marini (Gabryxx7)
- reveal.js template: reveal.js presentation written in markdown set up with fabric & fabsetup by @theno
- think-git : A
introduction using reveal and d3.js - Laravel Package Development by @sebdesign
- PHP 7 Presentation by @crazy-max
- NodejS: cómo usar JavaScript en todos lados by Nicolás Quiroz
- A summary of Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth by Spencer Maroukis for Edible
- Open Educational Resources for a course on Operating Systems by Jens Lechtenbörger
- How to create presentations with emacs-reveal by Jens Lechtenbörger
- How to MicroPython by @fragmuffin
- An Introduction to ASP.NET Core, New microsoft leading web framework! by Ashkan Rahmani
- Cloudeebus DBUS proxies for Javascript (FOSDEM 2013)
- Unix friendly template Simple template for users that only want to use a Makefile and latex-like presentations.
- Bitcoin and the blockchain by @lviggiano
- Rendering at Scale with Chrome Debugging Protocol by GP
- Fragrance Compounding by Rohit Goswami (HaoZeke)
- Future of Mobile Web by Thanh Tran (@trongthanh)
- Writing Quality JavaScript with ESLint (in Turkish) by İsmail Arılık (@ismailarilik)
- Mercurial Review Tools Presentation (Especially Review Board) by İsmail Arılık (@ismailarilik)
- Plotting the first point with the Vega ecosystem. by João Palmeiro (@joaopalmeiro)