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Security: halostatue/diff-lcs

diff-lcs Security

Supported Versions

Security reports are accepted for the most recent major release and the previous version for a limited time after the initial major release version. After a major release, the previous version will receive full support for six months and security support for an additional six months (for a total of twelve months).

Because diff-lcs 1.x supports a wide range of Ruby versions, security reports will only be accepted when they can be demonstrated on Ruby 3.1 or higher.


There will be a diff-lcs 2.0 released in 2025 which narrows support to modern versions of Ruby only.

Release Date Support Ends Security Support Ends
2025 +6 months +12 months

If the 2.0.0 release happens on 2025-07-01, regular support for diff-lcs 1.x will end on 2026-12-31 and security support for diff-lcs 1.x will end on 2026-06-30.

Reporting a Vulnerability

By preference, use the Tidelift security contact. Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.

Alternatively, Send an email to with the text Diff::LCS in the subject. Emails sent to this address should be encrypted using age with the following public key:


There aren’t any published security advisories