vcs-info.vim is a Vim plugin to retrieve VCS information of the working directory where the currently edited file exists. It is inspired by Zsh's vcs_info.
Plugin 'hattya/vcs-info.vim'
Plug 'hattya/vcs-info.vim'
call dein#add('hattya/vcs-info.vim')
- Vim 8.0+
let info = vcs_info#get()
if !empty(info)
let s = info.head
if info.action !=# ''
let s .= ':' . info.action
vcs-info.vim uses themis.vim for testing.
$ cd /path/to/vcs-info.vim
$ git clone
$ ./vim-themis/bin/themis
vcs-info.vim is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.