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Welcome to the Guide of Writing Trash code

Welcome to Guide of Trash Code!

In this website, we will guide you, through a series of examples, to write trash code, or turn your current code to trash. Here is a short example of trash code written by Java

public class ilcxk{
    public static void main(String[] args){
         String hey = "bananas";
         int how'dDo = 90;
         double waddadoin? = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820;



The table of Contents

Here you can see all that takes you to write trash code. From noob too professional.
Unit 0 - Before the start of writing trash code
Unit 1 - Start writing trash code
Unit 2 - The basics of trash code: long and unwinded code that does nothing

The purpose of writing trash code

There are several purposes to write trash code, here's a few of them:

  1. Make yourself complicated, the more complicated the better.
  2. Make yourself busy in front of your boss so he can pay you more.
  3. Make your brain run all the time.
  4. Exercise yourself to perfect your code.
  5. Trash your code even further.

Who should write Trash Code?

Coders and programmers should learn to write Trash Code. In fact, everybody who codes should write Trash Code.

About us

This is a community project. Feel free to submit or write your guides to trash code. Connect with us: More about us


The ultimate guide to writing Trash Code



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