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Cards is a framework and webserver to create and host card games

Development Instructions

These instructions will help you to set up your local development environment to contribute.


Cards is using ASP.NET, so you need to have the .NET 6 SDK installed.

As database, Cards is using MariaDB, make sure to have a working installation.

Setup secrets

Cards is expecting following config variables, which can be set by environment variables or a secrets.json file.

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  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "server=localhost;user=dbuser;password=password;database=cards"
  "EmailSender": {
    "Host": "",
    "Port": 587,
    "EnableSSL": true,
    "Username": "username",
    "Password": "password"

Get it up and running

You can restore all necessary packages with dotnet restore and run the application with dotnet run.

To load the database tables, import this file or use the dotnet-ef tool. Install it with dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef and run dotnet ef database update to apply the latest migration.

Add a new game

  1. Create a new game in Data/Game/Implementations
  2. Your game has to implement the IGameService
  3. Add your game to the Data/Game/GameEnum.cs enum
  4. Add your game in Data/Lobby.cs to the switch statement in StartGame()
  5. Add a static title and description function to your game and add these to Data/Game/IGameService.cs static methods

Looking at existing games might help, there are already algorithms for shuffling, card implementations etc.


A framework and webserver to create and host card games




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