Main reference
- Lectures from Prof. Stephen Boyd (Stanford)
- A note on notation
- Convex set definition
- Examples of convex set
- Operations that preserve convexity
- Proper cone and generalized inequalities
- Minimum and minimal element
- Inner product for matrices
- Dual norm
- Hölder's inequality
- Dual cone
- Examples of dual cone
- Separating hyperplane theorem
- Convex function definition
- Examples of convex function
- Convexity by restricting function to a line
- 1st and 2nd order condition for differentiable functions
- Conditions for nondifferentiable functions
- Convexity and monotone of (sub)gradient
- Epigraph
- Jensen's inequality
- Operations that preserve convexity
- Quasiconvexity
- Log-convexity
- Conjugate function
- Optimization in standard form and explicit constraints
- Feasibility of variable
- Feasibility of optimization problem
- Locally optimal points
- Domain of optimization problem and implicit constraints
- Convex optimization in standard form
- Local optimal is global optimal for convex problem
- 1st order optimality criterion for differentiable functions
- Equivalent convex formulations
- Linear program (LP)
- Solutions of simple LPs
- Quadratic program (QP)
- Second-order cone program (SOCP)
- Semidefinite program (SDP)
- Intuition of duality from LP
- Lagrangian
- Lagrange dual function
- Domain of dual function
- Lower bound property
- Lagrange dual function and conjugate function
- Dual feasibility and lower bound for original problem
- Lagrange dual problem
- Implicit and explicit constraints in dual
- Weak and strong duality
- Slater's constraint qualification
- Inequality form of LP/QP and its dual
- Complementary slackness
- Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions
- Dual residual
- KKT as sufficient conditions for convex problem
- Perturbed primal and dual
- Global sensitivity
- Local sensitivity and interpretation of Lagrange multipliers
- Smooth function and bounded gradient
- Quadratic upper bound for smooth function
- Strongly convex function and quadratic lower bound
- A bound on suboptimality for smooth function
- Stronger monotone condition with co-coercivity
- A bound on suboptimality for strongly convex function
- Stronger monotone condition with coercivity
- Unconstrained optimization for differentiable convex function
- General descent method
- Requirement for search direction
- Line search for step size
- Gradient descent as minimizing quadratic approximation of function
- Gradient descent with ill-conditioned problem
- Steepest descent method
- Search direction under arbitrary norm
- Quadratic norm search direction and geometric interpretation
- Newton step from 2nd order approximation
- Affine invariance
- Newton decrement
- Newton's method
- Example: Quadratic, exponential, and log-barrier objective
- Gradient descent for vector-valued functions: Levenberg–Marquardt and Gauss-Newton method
- Convergence of gradient descent and Newton's method
- Self-confordant functions
- Equality constrained optimization and optimality condition
- KKT equations
- Condition for nonsingularity of KKT matrix
- Newton step and Newton decrement with equality constraints
- Newton's method with equality constraints
- Newton step at infeasible points
- Primal-dual interpretation
- Newton's method with infeasible start
- Solving KKT equations using block elimination
- Example: Equality-constrained analytic centering (infeasible/feasible start Newton's method)
- Log-barrier function to approximate inequality constraints
- Centering problem with log-barrier function
- Central path
- Optimality for centering problem and dual feasible point for original problem
- Duality gap on central path
- Interpretation using KKT conditions
- Barrier method
- Dual feasible points near central path
- Example: Inequality-constrained LP (feasible start Newton's method)
- Example: Inequality- and equality-constrained LP (feasible start Newton's method)
- Example: Find strictly feasible initial point for LP (Phase I with feasible start Newton's method)
- Example: Solve LP with feasible point found in Phase I (Phase II with feasible start Newton's method)
- Example: LP with infeasible start Newton's method
- Standard form LP and equivalence to general form LP
- Barrier method as minimizing residual from modified KKT conditions
- Primal-dual interior point method
- Surrogate duality gap
- Line search
- Example: Inequality form LP
- Example: Standard form LP
- Example: Standard form QP (Phase I and Phase II)
- Extreme points in standard form LP
- Move between adjacent extreme points
- Reduced cost
- Simplex method and tableau approach for LP
- Example: simplex method for Phase I and Phase II
- Subgradient for nondifferentiable functions
- Basic subgradient calculus rules
- Examples of subgradient
- Subgradient optimality condition
- Generalization of KKT conditions
- Directional derivative and lower bound for convex functions
- Positive homogeneity and convexity
- Directional derivative and subgradients
- Negative subgradient need not be descent direction
- Negative subgradient reduce distance to minimizer
- Descent direction and optimality
- Subgradient method
- Choices of step size
- Convergence of subgradient method
- A stopping criterion
- Example: piecewise linear minimization
- Example: simple 1-norm minimization
- Example: 1-norm regularized least squares (LASSO)
- Optimal step with known optimal function value
- Point at intersection of convex sets and alternating projections
- Example: PSD matrix completion
- Projected subgradient method for constrained optimization
- Convergence of projected subgradient method
- Simplification with linear equality constraints
- Example: linear equality constrained 1-norm minimization
- Decomposable functions
- Proximal operator and proximal gradient step
- Backtracking line search
- Proximal gradient with momentum
- Iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm (ISTA) and fast ISTA (FISTA)
- Example: LASSO with subgradient, ISTA, and FISTA
- Convergence of proximal gradient method
- Fenchel's inequality
- Properties of conjugate
- Conjugate of conjugate
- Conjugate and subdifferential
- Strong convexity and gradient of conjugate
- Moreau decomposition
- Dual (sub)gradient method
- Convergence of dual gradient ascent
- Augmented Lagrangian method
- Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)
- Scaled form ADMM
- Connection to proximal operators
- Example: LASSO with ADMM
- Frank-Wolfe method as alternative to projeccted gradient descent
- Norm constraints
- Convergence of Frank-Wolfe
- Example: LASSO with Frank-Wolfe
- Coordinate-wise optimality
- Coordinate descent
- Example: LASSO with Coordinate descent