Graphql backend for cindy-next.
It is based on async-graphql
, actix-web
, diesel
, powered by Rust.
- Dynamic query building with
(with support for complex filtering) - Graphql interface
- Realtime Subscriptions
- Authorization
- Access control
- Relay-like pagination (not included)
Rust, first of all. Follow the instructions on if you don't have one. The minimum supported version is v1.46.
# Install rustup curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh # Install latest rust and cargo rustup install nightly
Postgresql ≥ 12, and its dev library.
# Debian-based OS sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev # Arch linux sudo pacman -S postgresql postgresql-libs
Diesel client. You need to compile this yourself
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features "postgres"
just (optional), to run recipes defined in
.cargo install just
Basically only two binaries (cindy-next-rust
and diesel
) are required in the server. Currently we do not provide compiled binaries. It is recommended to compile them yourself and push the binaries to the server.
Clone the repo with
git clone
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Create an empty database for Cindy with
sudo -u postgres psql
CREATE ROLE cindy LOGIN PASSWORD 'cindy-password'; ALTER ROLE cindy SET client_encoding TO 'utf8'; ALTER ROLE cindy SET timezone TO 'UTC'; CREATE DATABASE cindy-db; GRANT ALL ON DATABASE cindy-db TO cindy; \c cindy-db; GRANT ALL ON schema public to cindy; CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto; CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";
and edit it based on your flavor.Make sure
in the config file points to your postgres instance. If you followed the steps above, it ispostgres://cindy:cindy-password@
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Setup the database with
diesel database setup && diesel migration run
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cargo run --release
if you have a compiled binary to start the server. For the former command, once compiled, it can be found in./target/release/cindy-next-rust
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Create an admin account with
just signup
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Load initial data to the database with
psql cindy-db < setup/jp/initdb.up.sql