The project uses the GitHub API to display a list of users that can be downloaded, and allows users to view detailed information.

- Kingfisher: Used for downloading and caching images asynchronously.
- SwiftyJSON: Simplifies parsing JSON data into native Swift objects.
- SVProgressHUD: Displays progress indicators (HUDs) during network operations.
- User Information List: Displays a list of users fetched from a remote API or local database.
- Image Caching: Uses Kingfisher to download and cache user profile images.
- JSON Parsing: Uses SwiftyJSON for easy handling of JSON data.
- Loading Indicator: Uses SVProgressHUD to show and hide progress indicators during network requests.
- Local Database: When there are no users, the app will fetch data from the API to display. On subsequent loads, it will load the data from Core Data.
- Async Let: To fetch multiple users concurrently using async let
- Async await: modern concurrency
- XCTestCase
- UIKit
- Core Data

Our architecture is based on the VIP architecture
- Role: The View is responsible for displaying the UI elements and handling user interaction (e.g., tapping buttons, scrolling lists).
- Responsibilities:
- Display data passed from the Interactor.
- Show loading or error states as indicated by the Interactor.
- Example in the project: The
displays the list of users, shows loading indicators, and allows navigation to a detailed user view.
- Role: The Interactor contains the business logic and is responsible for fetching and processing data. It interacts with Worker to fetch Data or save Data to the local disk.
- Responsibilities:
- Retrieve user data from Worker.
- Handle data when the If there is no data, it loads data from the GitHub API; otherwise, it loads local data from Core Data.
- Perform data manipulation and validation if needed.
- Pass data or handle error to the Viewcontorller for display.
- Example in the project: The
is responsible for fetching the user data either from the GitHub API or local storage, and sending it to the Viewcontroller.
- Role: The Worker A worker interacts with the API or database to perform tasks such as retrieving data from the database or fetching data locally.
- Responsibilities:
- Receive data from the API or DataBase.
- Example in the project: The
get data from github API or get data from CoreData.
- Role: The Worker Responsible for managing the navigation logic of the app.
- Responsibilities:
- Navigation to destination viewcontroller.
- Example in the project: The
is responsible to navigate toDetailsViewcontroller
- Role: The Viewcontroller Responsible for managing logic view and get data from interactor.
- Responsibilities:
- get the user interaction from view and forward the interactor.
- Example in the project: The
handle logic show error and and configure data to display view.
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone
Due to the extensive number of unit tests, we haven't had time to implement additional tests and UI tests yet.